Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Rajasthan and Sindh are great places to utilize btw.

Not sure about Rajasthan but Sindh can be a good map. Rajasthan is just desert, nothing special.

Asal uttar is a historical one…
Chawinda also is one of the largest tank battles since Kursk.
Philora in sialkot too.

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Totally forgot about Assal Uttar haha.


Kashmir, Ladakh, Bengal and/or if we want a historical map Longewala


My father once witnessed a tank battle during the liberation war of Bangladesh. An Indian T55/T54 shot a Pakistani M24. The round went through the tank and landed several hundred feets away in a rice field.

Did he know if it was APFSDS or APHECBC?

The round caused fire in that rice field, so its likely a APCBC/APHE round. The tank also caught fire.

hmm must have gone through a fuel tank

Italy offered us Aster 30 SAM. They didn’t specifically mention aster 30 but its the only Medium range SAM Italy has to offer.

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As someone of partial Pakistani ancestry, im afraid i will have to say no. War Thunder is about major WWII and cold war nations that have produced their own aircraft and tanks. It would be best if it was a subtree in the Chinese tech tree since many ‘local built’ weaponry are a joint venture with the PRoC.

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As someone of 100% pakistani ancestry and currently residing full time in pakistan, i must object.
Warthunder is a combat gane about military vehicles.
Not whatever you have stated otherwise we would not have china, israel, sweden, etc.

Sweden made their own aircraft and tanks. Like i said im not opposed to Pakistan being in War Thunder. I would like to see the JF-17 or K-8 (both Bangladesh and Pakistan operate it) in the game.

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is the long mast for an IRST tracking system?

It is better not to know the meaning of the name in Arabic :)

Isn’t it something like penetrator because baktar shikan is also some thing like that

Idk. Usually these masts have some tracking device on it IRST/Radar.

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Also the naval air service operates the P3 Orion. What will it offer in the game?

They’re are variants of the orion that are armed with a lot of missiles and weapons but Pakistan mostly uses it in recon and ASW.


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