Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

yup this would be the amphibious variant.

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I don’t know which caliber the cannons are but they should be 25mm.

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ay one more auto cannon wheelie boy never hurt

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Do you know how Pakistan captured HAL Ajeet? 6.0 is too low BR for this. It should be 8.3 at least. This thing is almost supersonic.

Tank simulators usually have fake guns

We forced its landing onto a pakistani airstrip in 1965.

On 3 September, 1965 two F104s, flown by Flt Lt Hakimullah and Flg Off Abbas Mirza, were scrambled from Sargodha to intercept four Indian Gnats. During the ensuing combat, one Gnat, which had strayed away from its main formation, being unable to combat the F-104s, surrendered and force-landed at an abandoned airfield at Pasrur near Sialkot. Flt Lt Hakimullah circled overhead until the capture of the aircraft and the pilot was assured by Pakistani troops. The pilot of the captured Gnat was Sqn Ldr Brij Pal Singh, who later rose to be an Air Marshal in the IAF. This aircraft was then ferried from Pasroor to Sargodha by Flt Lt Saad Hatmi.

i thought 6.0 is a good br cuz its P/W is 0.6:1 and has sucky armament options.
but ill look into it more

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yes it was a joke 😅

it would actually improve our case of adding the TT.

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6 wheeled vehicle,
13 tons, 360 hp
25mm ZPT-90 autocannon, 360 degree turret rotation, -8 to +55° elevation, powered, non-stabilized, 200 RPM max. 7.62 Type 86 coaxial machine gun
no armour best armour (7.62 resistant)

what br should it be?

8.0+ and if it gets thermal then 8.7 or 9.0

no stab, no thermals, idk ammo composition but prolly has apds


dont mind

We can expect it perform like the BTR80A. So I guess it should get the same BR as the BTR80A

do bengali btrs have the 2a72 or the kpvt only?

only kpvt. I was talking about the ussr tt btr

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ay bro whats this???
mis naming?


He was talking about the Type 62 SPH. I would recommend you to avoid these YouTube channels. They mostly post absolute shit.

Bruh moment lol.

Mahmood Alam’s F-86 as a premium

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which variant of the sabre does this seem like?

i can see that its not armed with 20mm but with 12.7mm mgs due to the ammo magazines showing, but other than that im clueless

I have no idea. I dont know much about sabers.