Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

I think this is the JF-17.6 (Block 4)
looks similar

Or maybe its JF-20

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Both the Type 85 and T-80UD have undergone extensive upgrades by Heavy Industries Taxila, the specifications of them however are unknown other than the replacement of Chinese and Ukrainian tank guns by the domestic 125mm HIT Tank Gun and possible engine upgrades ranging from 520 to 1200 horse power.


The red paint scheme looks sick, I hope to see it in-game as a purchasable or unlockable GE skin (500?)


Isnt red technicslly the unpainted camo?
I think they give it an initial red to combat rusting.

Only thing rlly dofferent immediately is the absence of elevators on the tail of the jet.


but project azm has 2 engines

This picture is photoshopped btw

Good find…

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I wonder whether the unpainted one(canard less picture) is real or not. It looks quite unique.

yeah its real but its 2023 so i wonder what the chinese are upto… or chinese and pakistani


There’s a few more pictures of this in the old forum, you can check them out.

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Some of these CL-13s had T-33 parts in them.


i also know of a picture showing unique pylon mountings for bombs rockets and something else at the same time

found it

If this is true then I think BMTF will locally assemble these since. Tulpar with 120mm gun(hitfact or cockerill turret) will be a nice addition, 105mm one doesnt offer much over the VT-5.
edit: I checked the source of this news and the source is a indian news paper. I dont think this is true at all.



Pakistan and their Type 59 modifications and derivatives are some of the coolest things ever, I’d love to see that in-game, genuinely.

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Toyota Landcruiser with camo

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Type 85IIAP with mole plough. Perfect tank for farming /j

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BAF seems to be interested in JF-17. We may or may not buy it but some sort of collaboration is expected. Maybe a license of JF-17 production.
(Check 1:52)

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Türkiye and Pakistan Establish Joint Factory for Production of KAAN Fighter Jet

Pakistani 5th Gen Fighter confirmed?

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