Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

it can only be J10CE


J10CE and EFT/Rafale is a weird combination though

it most likely from last year’s qatar military exercise, pakistan’s J10CE VS qatar’s Rafale

This is actually BAF’s future plan. J10 procurement is finalised however it’s still unclear whether we will buy Rafale or Eurofighter.

my bad, i didnt see the “future plan”

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JF-17 PFX. It’s said to be a 4.5 gen stealth variant of JF-17.

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i just hope this doesn’t end up being replaced by either the KAAN or the J-31 as an indigenous aircraft is always better for dealing with sanctions etc.
plus this will be a great unique vehicle for the TT

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JF-20. Anyone have any information about this?

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Which video did you get this from?

Idk… a guy linked a pakdefenseforum thread about this being a passion project of an enthusiast. Altho the link now points to i would assume that this is as he says, a fake leak.
As sad as it is for enthusiasts, this is better for the country as secrecy is paramount for Project AZM

Actually this isn’t related to the project azm. After doing some research it seems this was a proposed stealth variant of JF-17.


well tbh it could be an enthusiasts project or even real… lemme see what the chinese says

nvmnd, it just says china… the other thing cant be seen

we have no idea… most of chinese forum even dont know this :(


It’s definitely not a madeup project. China has a lot of these proposed vehicles, it’s probably one of them. Maybe the new PFX project is merged with JF-17.6 and JF-20 project.

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Something about PAF is written on that sign.

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i like the idea of pakistan+bangladesh to be added to the game, just not as an independent tree, it would be easier to implement it to china as it already has a few vehicles from those countries, the copy pastes are almost the exact same and most of the unique vehicles are improvements of vehicles that are already in the chinese tree or other trees

Now that ive seen further im more leaning towards your take on this because of the whole design ideologu behind these models.
Going by what i know so far of my airforce, this is definitely not just a passion project by a civ. What is interesting now is to observe the relation between AZM and these jeff models.
Could be overlapping. Could not be.
Remains to be seen