Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Issue is we would lose a lot of interesting vehicles with this being a subtree. Like mirages with radar. And the direction WT is going anyways, more nations are vound to join the fray.

i’ll be honest, gaijin would just put them vehicles in all lines instead than just one, like they did with taiwan
also, taiwan also had mirages and still haven’t been added, so i don’t see why not

it’d be a shame but ig it remains to be seen

Official specification of BBT-2. An airforce personnel said they will consider making a light attack variant of this once it reaches mass production.

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Anyone know which Al Khalid variant is this?(Left one)

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The one on the right and thr one in center is like a ztz 96a (p) or basically an alkhalid with era. Whether it is I or stock version idk.
So imo it might be a trialled vehicle…
The extreme left is an al zarrar

Turret era looks very weird on that Al khalid

I remember seeing one like it before…
I’ll try to find that picture

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What munitions are those?

Looks like a AIM-9B without seeker and war head(Not sure) and a few rocket pods and bombs

Those seem to be rocket pods of 7 each, 28 total, 4 bombs.
Also the munitions in the close center seem to be large calibre rockets more than AAMs

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What large caliber rockets did CL-13 have? I dont think it had any

As far as i can understand. The aim9b wasnt this thick. So maybe the bengalis found a way to mount some non standard rockets on the pylons.

That is possible considering the fact that BAF didn’t have any spare parts or spare ammunition for the sabers right after the independence.

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i looked closer and think its carrying only rockets on the outboard pylons. the aerodynamic caps on the pods are still attached but idk why at alternating pods?
also i would say the inboard pylons have an S-24 but its too flat faced and the pylon doesnt seem like a launch rail

Thanks to AblativeKitten I have managed to get a clearer picture. Turns out this is just a AIM-9B without Seeker and War head. War head and seeker was probably removed for repairing.

wow, my missile recognition system must be getting rusty lol. that thing looks nothing like a 9B

FK-3 for Bangladesh

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Good find.
Is it in service?