Pages of History: Minengeschoße

Pages of History: Minengeschoße

Schon früh in der Luftschlacht um Großbritannien erkannte die deutsche Führung, dass große viermotorige Bomber und robuste Ganzmetalljäger bald eine große Herausforderung und ein sehr schwieriges Hindernis für die Luftwaffe darstellen würden. Um diese modernen Flugzeuge abzuschießen, brauchte man mehr als normale Munition, die ihre Wurzeln in der der Feldartillerie hatte. Panzerbrechende Brand- und Splittergranaten konnten den großen, mehrmotorigen Flugzeugen nicht immer genügend Schaden zufügen, so dass Dutzende von Treffern erforderlich waren. Deshalb entwickelten die Deutschen eine völlig neue Art von Munition für 20-mm- Maschinenkanonen, das so genannte „Minengeschoß“, eine hochexplosive Granate mit einer zusätzlichen explosiven Füllung im Inneren.

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You publish a video with the famous “Minenengeschoss” rounds after you nerfed exactly this shell type some time ago???

A short reminder:

  • The mine shells had irl a 3 second self-destruction (SD) fuse.
  • Until June 2024 the MG 151/20s had no SD fuse.
  • But your devs implemented a distance travelled fuse.
  • This is technically seen a nerf of German aircraft as the range of your shells (which are already affected by poor ballistics) decreases.

In other words:

  • In a very high speed chase your 20 mm mine shells are unable to hit anything further away than 700 - 800 meters in front of you as your shells explode before they reach their targets.

  • Same as long range head-ons performed at very high speed - your mine shells explode in front of your targets…

Edit: Clarifications…


Wenn es ein Fehler ist und du hierfür auch Quellen (und die sind wichtig) zur Hand hast, dann möchte ich dich bitten, die Zeit zu nehmen und einen Bugreport zu schreiben.
Die werden nicht mehr im Forum eingereicht, sondern auf der Support Seite, die ich unten verlinkt habe.

hier findest du die entsprechende Webseite

Thx for your feedback!

Actually we have a 6 months old bug report already in place:

Community Bug Reporting System

…created by the fellow player @KillaKiwi.

I took my time to create a new one as the tech mods have not reacted to this old report. Maybe the head of the tech mods (@Smin1080p_WT ) can instruct them to react on this new report:

Community Bug Reporting System

I mean looking up for evidence that the mine shells have a time-base self-destruct fuse is a matter of minutes…

If you try too see this from a neutral perspective:

  1. War Thunder invests time & money to produce a very nice vid in order to connect with the player community and to show the sophisticated weapon & ammo possibilities of a specific ammo type implemented in wt.
  2. On the other hand some guys within wt contradict this approach (to be recognized as game developer seriously dedicated to accuracy) with changes which are flat wrong and nobody has asked for.
  3. So technically seen this promotion video is a communication disaster as the in-game reality is not suited to build up trust when obvious bugs are not fixed or things were implemented not accurately in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong - nobody is perfect and this is nothing personal - but how can you as Forum Mod know anything about those implications? You have a task to communicate such vids - and this is totally fine.

I saw the OP post in French and in German in National communities and decided to create my initial reply here as imho the players using MG 151/20 should be in the majority and from my pov the current state of mine shells makes playing prop Air RB in German aircraft even worse than it already is.

Let’s hope for the best and gaijin corrects this issue asap.

Have a good one!

PS: In case you are interested in the the bug report - the content:


The German prop aircraft within wt use mainly MG 151/20 with the so called “mine shells” / Minengeschoss shell.

Since at least July the mine shells have a self-destruction (SD) functionality implemented - the years before there was no such feature.

The bug is as following:

  • The shells produced after April of 1941 had a SD fuze after 3 seconds. But wt has implemented a “distance travelled” fuse instead of the time based SD.

  • This means the faster you fly, the earlier the shells explode as the speed of the firing aircraft adds up to the set “distance travelled” counter.

How does this bug affects game play?

  1. It became impossible to hit enemies in front of you when you are in a very high speed tail chase if your target is more than 800-900 meters in front of you as your shells explode before they can hit the target.
  2. This affects also very fast bombers like B-18Bs or Ki-67s - if you fly faster than 600-650 TAS enemy mine shells can’t hit your at these ranges whilst your own defensive guns in turrets have zero problem to hit you.
  3. For the guys preferring head-ons any kind of long range head-ons are pointless as your shells explode in front of you enemy - so those guys have to stick much longer than their enemies to the collision course than necessary as they are out-ranged by any other 20 mm cannon.

The used shells in air-to-air combat had the ZZ 1506 fuse with 3 seconds as stated here:

L Dv 4000 10 Munitionsvorschrift Fuer Fliegerbordwaffen Teil 10 1944 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Specifically this part (L.Dv.4000/10 Abschnitt C Punkt 7):

Screenshot 2024-09-26 190525

With auto translate you see that the primary source confirms my claim.

I kindly ask you to check this bug report created by the fellow player @KillaKiwi :

Community Bug Reporting System

Somehow the tech mods have not reacted to this report. You will find two embedded vids which demonstrates the time differences when fired stationary or at high speeds.

As a side note: This bug affects also the Fw 190 A-1 using the MG FF/M. This aircraft was produced & entered service long after the change of fuse times. Even admitting that the muzzle velocity was slower than mine shells fired by a MG 151/20 - every aircraft which saw production after April 1941 needs the 3 second time fuse.

Have in mind that you (and other readers) can help to prioritize the bug report by clicking on “I have the same issue”.

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