P-51 C-11-NT is good?

Just got 75% of discount for that thing and would like to know abt if that p51 is worth

It’s a P-51C, so yes. Very good. Only downside is the okay firepower but the flight performance is insane on it.

for 75% off i’d highly recommend getting it if you have the GE handy, in my experience the P-51C is a great energy fighter for B&Z and outruns pretty much anything at that BR.

It is quite different to the Japanese Meta of Turnfighting and dogfights but it once you get used to it you will probably find it quite good to use. In summary:


  • Unmatched Speed at its BR (a little over 700 Km/h max)
  • 4 x 12.7mm are no joke at 3.7, especially in a downteir, plus plenty of ammo for them
  • Good energy retention and okay Turn times (you wont win Turnfights against 109s or Spitfires in this thing but its still competitive)


  • No suspended armament options like the American P-51C
  • Different playstyle from the Meta Japanese vehicles (at least the ones ive played)

to conclude i would Highly recommend getting it for 75% off and if its not to your taste just remember that its only like 400 GE so is only a loss of around $4-5

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