The Su-27SM needs help. It is a continuous war to try to maintain a soft lock, forcing you to hook the enemy, removing the awareness of what happens, since you have to keep the attachment in order not to lose the target, otherwise in Soft Lock the planes disappear from the radar for the slowness of the update, or even is not able to detect and hook targets directly in front of him, or as in the case of the Rafale, Ef2000 and now Hornet, struggles to detect them, and this disadvantage added to the lower performance of the R-77 in the range, and in the loss of energy, make this plane an agony to be piloted, given that the enemy manages to maintain a better hook and has better missiles. In the last games I was forced to fill the range gap to use the R-27er, but forcing me not to be able to go to defense, and most of the time even if I destroyed the target then their AIM-20 shoots and forgot, killed me.
I don’t know what a solution could be, a lower BR? A buff on the radar? But is there a risk that it becomes unrealistic?
just get Su-30SM
It is not a solution
Su-27SM got better radar in this update, must be fine
try to use it better
Have they even improved it? It doesn’t seem at all given the problems I am encountered
they did. bug with double scan got fixed
This is a pretty common problem at the moment with the slower mechanical scan radars. Even the CAPTOR-M in teh Typhoon is plagued with this issue at the moment. Su-27SM had a very poor radar compared to the Typhoon. No surprise it would struggle. You know what wont struggle? The PESA radar in the Su-30SM.
No. Even if we get a 13.3 bracket at some point, Su-27SM would destroy most other 13.3s without much effort and is rightly placed at 13.7. Is top tier compressed, yes, but with the current compression. 13.7 is as low as it can go.
There wont be a 13.7 bracket for a good long while, so like all the other 13.7s, will just have to wait. But now you have the Su-30, which should rectify much of the issues you are facing.
Can always be reported, but I think its about as good as it can get.
Its definetly on the weak side of 13.7 but the aricraft iself cant be buffed. Maybe there is some wiggle room with r77 getting a drag buff but i doubt it, ive seen little evidence of any validity
This is the situation after 1 hour of play, I am efforting to keep the K/D positively, but the supremacy of the red side is evident, and they are all F-18, F-15, and Rafale, and a couple of F-16s
It’s still bad, but N001 is just bad in the 1st place
It’s technically a mishmash of 27SMx, so it can still get another 2 pylons and 77-1 :v
unlikely, we could get an sm3 but i doubt, russia would be left without a 13.7
I mean it’s still the same horrible radar though. It could just get the extra pylons instead of the 77-1 (cause otherwise it would probably be better than the 30SM)
horrible radar sure, doesnt really change the fact it would have 12 r-77-1 on a faster airframe than su30sm
Yes, I mentioned that
i honestly think it would be better than su30sm regardles
Na man…it’s very underestimated how good or advantageous a good radar is so you can see what’s out in front of you. The 27SM with the -1 would still be meh because of the :/ radar. The slower radars did get a bit of a buff because of the radar scan pattern change…BUT, the top radars of the game are night and day better for tracking speed and target aspect change!
Ef2000 is the top dog despite the bad radar
People overhype 77-1 performance. It beats AMRAAM ONLY if enemy doesn’t attempt to make any defencive maneuvers whatsoever. Grid fins and high G pull still gonna make it bleed enormous amounts of energy during flight correction. And we have AMRAAM capable platforms as low as 13.0, even if they aren’t the best in terms of performance. F-15C is currently at 13.7 and it’s leagues better than Su-27SM even if SM will get access to 77-1.
The update has released tho, it was both overhyped and under hyped, its a very good missile, not as good as amraam at range, not as good as mica at short range, but without a doubt a great missile just a generalist one, definetly a contender for top missile. It being fired off a su27sm going fast and high would definetly produce great bvr results despite the draggy fins