Option for Smaller Team Sizes in Air Realistic Battles

no idea why they changed it to begin with


I am not taking your word for it.

Never seen one team having 4 top tier and the other 0.

This is part of the matchmaker, not something in client files.

Session ID or no proof.

So I take this as a yes to wanting me to message my friend?

Good to have an option to lower the skill ceiling for players; The amount of players can overwhelm the senses of some people regardless of how hard they try to overcome those walls.
Great accessibility feature for those that want to use it.

Opponents of this feature keep false flagging supportive posts…

Do what you want.

That would work if everyone got unskippable context window after the update where they had to consciously choose themselves. Unfortunately the option 16v16 is default.

Gaijin devs: Oy vey, players seemingly quitting ARB over team sizes, we just shut down the 6654th thread about it.
Gaijin CEO: Impossible, it´s probably because they have too few premium options to buy.
Gaijin CEO: Let them have a toggle and see how many will opt for a smaller teams
Gaijin devs: Implement toggle, but only for 10.0 up and leave 16v16 as a default and make the option a small 20x20 opaque pixel box

2 months later

Gaijin devs: You were right, boss. Only 20 % of the people turned the toggle on.
Gaijin CEO: See? I am always right! Now let´s make it 32v32.

Meanwhile everyday Joe: Goddamn this 16v16 flustercluck suuuuucks. I wish there was a toggle…


128x128km is MASSIVE.

Which is being added…
Your post has the consistency of rust.

Obviously new player would think it is a joke ?

DCS will blow your mind…

4v0 happens in naval regularly, seen it in ground too. It’s the same matchmaker in all modes, the only rule is that a max of 4 players per side can be the top BR.

“the number of players in the vehicles with the highest BR in each team will not exceed 4 players… in aircraft RB there is a limit of 4 bombers from the total number of the team. These are all the rules that the matchmaker uses in random battles. There are no exceptions…”



however as of currently only around 20x80km of that is ever used, if we have big maps gaijin needs to utilise all of it


Small games like this definitely need their own match maker. Allowing the same number of, like you said attack aircraft with high G missiles is a bad idea and must be looked at if such an options is ever introduced.

8 v 8 seems to be the most popular option though?


Gaijin hasn’t introduced to low tier players despise Gaijin hides to play matchmaking at br 10 at airplanes and night battles with tank at br 10 is a entire joke, Why gaijin hasn’t implemented to low tier players ?

People hate low player counts at prop BRs.
Why do you think 5.7 was dead of players until larger player counts were added?

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because by limiting the availability to the higher tiers, buying a premium plane is getting even more incentivized than it already is with the still quite awful grind.

  • lower BR make less money than new shiny stuff

I love this! But it should be the other way around. Make fewer the standard and make 16vs16 the optional choice.


tbh obvious joke

yeah, prop BRs benefir from 16v16 due to their lower speeds and <1km engagement ranges, but top tier? less so when practially everything is mach 1.1 on the deck and have engagment ranges of 20km+


As opposed to this where you used to be able to shoot off of spawn if you were in an F-14.

Personally, nothing wrong with Microsoft Flight Sim. People want to play air realistic, gotta understand that air combat hasn’t devolved into a 16v16 furball since 1953 most probably.

Go play Air Arcade for instant furballs, nothing wrong with that.

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