Option for Smaller Team Sizes in Air Realistic Battles

And do you think that is what is happening here? If they had some more developments for ARB they would present them now. Instead we get this bandaid solution. Nothing is going to change for ARB except what’s presented here.

When there’s less players, there’s less available rp and sl, I’m not tricking anyone, it’s simple logic math dude…

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Whatever it takes to get chumming done

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probabally not, that just means you will see full uptiers more often

id personally prefer where there is no max for each BR ina max, just equalised on each team, would help with Meta BRs, say a match of almost all 10.3s, with 10.3 max, would help compresion

what im saying id prefer max uptiers be more brutal if it means there wil be less full uptiers because all the meta BRs are facing eachother

But they don’t want to know what the players actually want, they just want convenient answers where they give people the illusion of choice by allowing them to pick from pre-determined options.


Tell me, when your in a 6v6 match with 4 F-16/F-15 players on the enemy team and you’re in your F-4E/F-4J/S, what are you gonna do?

but rewards in 16v16 do not adapt if you kill one or five guys, so its about the amount of kills not about availabe targets

Should’ve been like this from the get go. I don’t know who actually likes the 16v16 COD lobby style game, and I think that if you tick the smaller match sizes, you should be guaranteed to get smaller match sizes. It should also be smaller, more like 8v8 rather than 12v12.


That’s not how it works, both team get equal amount of top tier aircraft.

Well, now you get to enjoy your smaller COD matches.

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Just because the flight performance is worse, does not mean you cannot get kills, plus that senario can theoretically (won’t) happen in the current matchmaker

The 11.3 phantoms have always been at the same BR with planes with better airframes and similar kit, they have done fine so far so they will be fine then i’d think

A team is capable of having 4 aircraft in a full down tier, however just because one team has all 4, doesn’t mean the other team is guaranteed to have a single one. I’ve seen this before first hand.


Proof please.

The thing is, it was even better before. The max was 12v12 and it was great.

I would also accept 16v16 if it wasn’t every single match.

This would be much better if it was a hard toggle. You either queue for the smaller size games or the larger. With most people not paying attention to the forums or the updates many will not even change this setting even if they like the smaller size and then with it only being a chance to get smaller battles the majority of battles will still be the larger size. I think this change could be implemented with greater effect if it was a hard toggle or the smaller match size was the default with the larger size being the toggle.


Well then here’s an example of the problem: Good luck killing 5 players when there’s only 6 enemies to go around for your entire team to kill. Surely you see my logic now right, or would you like me explain it a bit more?

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Do your math and you’ll find out that decreasing team sizes reduces the overall potential xp distribution for both teams, as a good player will still be able to gather the same average amount of kills but the rest of their team is left with less available opponents to take down.

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will we ever be able to bring aircraft of the same BR into realistic battles and choose between them, like SB?

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Or, better yet, you are in a 6v6 game in your F-4C and there are 4 SU-25’s on the other team, or you are in a J35D and there are 4 A-10 lates on the other team. What are you going to do then lol, other than die to a missile you cannot avoid with no counterplay as soon as you get within 3km of an enemy.

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Idk check the files man, but I can absolutely promise you that I’ve had an entire team of 11.0-11.3 planes (mainly F-4S) and only had a single MiG-29 9.12A on my team whilist the enemies had 3-4 F-16ADFs.

This ain’t exactly proof, but I remember it like it was yesterday, so I guess either take my word for it or go into your next few matches counting the amount of fully down-tiered players and maybe you’ll see it eventually.

I also think I remember someone mentioning this not too long ago, I can message them and see if they have any proof of this if you’d like, just let me know and I’ll send a ping their way.