Option for Smaller Team Sizes in Air Realistic Battles

What about 3 or 4 minutes? You would soon get bored of that. What with map bans and the game would spend forever trying to match people up

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Ayooo wtf

“You have the chance…”???
I dont want to have the chance
If i enable this, i DONT want 16v16


Personally I would prefer 10v10 or even as small as 8v8 but this is better than nothing

Would you get bored of 3-4 minute wait times for matches in exchange for better matches.
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There are other things to do besides War Thunder. I also enjoyed camping Emercom on Interchange for half an hour while reading a book (IFYKYK). I would still prefer a small wait for a good match experience.

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Some people are doing battle pass with limited time

Why was this 16v16 even forced through in the first place… ‘’ Content creators and youtube comments’’ supposedly, sources that cannot even be reviewed a.k.a could be entirely made up.

What is the point of this forum if you’re going to read random youtube comments to make your decisions and then we need to spends months or years complaining about it to get it reverted.


You might think gaijin would run official polls more often to find what the player base do actually want

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Make it mandatory at 12.0+
Furthermore increase the rewards since there’s less players to kill. Its a start, but a “chance” is definitely not enough…

Half the teams, double the rewards, simple as that.

You’ll also need to adjust the amount of planes capable of being in the match with a full down tier, since it’s standard is 4, I suggest bringing it down to 2 m.


Then disable the option or play below 10.0. People that want consistent chaos on demand can continue to get it.

why reward increase, it will not take as long with 12 than 16 so there is no reason to incease reward, you just wanna trick them in a way to research fast

It wouldn’t take them 6 months to implement nation bonuses if they could get tricked.


it would be better for it to be 7.0 and higher, any BR where you can see AAMs and have fast planes is where 16v16 is the worst, in props 16v16 isnt too bad, the slower speed of the planes there makes it much less common to be dogpiled by 4 enemies while dogfighting

12 is an improvement but still not great, 8v8 or 10v10 probabally the better maximum,

its not going to be similar to night battles i doubt, not many people do like night battles and have them off, but with this i would expect to have a much larger proportion enabling this option, and along with it the number of times you will get the smaller matches


its just a bonus for tjose close to the end of a tech tree so nonsense

I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but my point still stands. I am already not playing those awful small maps now, and with how I imagine top tier will become with ARHs I am going to stop playing 16v16 all together.


30% bonus for up to 30 games per day at a tier where most RP resides so I don’t think it’s “just a bonus”.

EDIT: I don’t know the exact numbers of course, they weren’t given to us, but based on that example they gave last year

I feel like adding mutiple spawns would make 16v16 much more enjoyable at higher tiers.
This would include spread out airspawns or multiple airfields

Having each team originate from a known point makes it very easy to anticipate where the enemy will be and also groups both teams into tighter clumps. Everyone takes off, turns left and zergs as a group until close range for the furball.

Just limiting game size won’t address this issue at all

I realize just limiting the game size is the absolute bare minimum amount of work, so that is most likely your preferred “solution” but I think some actual effort would make top tier Air more enjoyable.


the new missles will need new maps which are locked for those without

Literally all we need is sim battle but with ARB controls


i meaned it is just a small bonus of they would get tricked in the higher rewards in 12v12 the new nation bonus will be big