Option for Smaller Team Sizes in Air Realistic Battles

I really hope this is changed to include all BRs or atleast all jet BRs.

16v16 is just too much, and leads to constant steamrolls.


more people leave actually will create like 2vs2 games

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ah yes smaller battles by peoples lack of want of bigger battles, counterintuitive, just like doing a maths test getting the steps wrong but the correct answer, sadly gaijin fails this maths test

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Nice but can we also get an option for no small teams below ~7.0? 10-16 or 8-16 would be perfect.
Low team matches in low battle ratings are very bad.


I wonder how many more side effects this stuff could have.

Teams are going to be smaller either way when this change goes live👌

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Since everyone is here and it’s kinda related, please read this post Macekeeks and I made. Air RB and it's possible rework

Also if any CM is reading this, please read it as well.

Thank you


History has shown that the vast majority of playerbases of most online games don’t pay attention to news about the game or read patch notes.

Most players won’t notice an opt in check box so you’ll have to forgive my skepticism about a feature that requires every single person in queue to check it which will throw us into 16v16s if a handful in queue don’t have it checked.


at low it is also better with bigger teams for bombers because in low teams they faster get the target

there will be 2 camps, one that keeps it off to know they will get smaller matches more often due to people quitting and those that quit for smaller matches by default, if gaijin does not do some corpo statistics BS then they will see what people want, and I ask that people mention this feature a lot in game chat when update drops so even casuals know

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Good but not good enough. Team sizes should scale with BR / rank.
Rank I 16v16 is not enough and top tier is too much even with 6-12. Top tier should be 6v6 max.
However with this change I will consider going back to ARB.


has to be a multiple of 4 due to max squad sizes

lol thats bad

Kinda pointless if there is no guarantee that I will be put into a smaller battle.


nahh top tier some planes carry enough missles to fore 2 at each by 6v6

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Oh wait, it´s only a chance not a guarantee?
LMAO, then keep it Gaijin, aint going back.
Gonna keep ruining tankers day with CAS until you have had enough of the daily CAS thread spam
FFS now I am more pissed than I was before reading this news article jfc…


why not 8v8


12 is still too high, 8v8 makes more sense.

Simulator Battles also need smaller Teams, 12 vs 12 or 10 vs 10 would be good there.


Surely all that customization would make for incredibly long queue times.

As much as this is welcome sight for ARB, I feel like maybe this should start from 9.0 or 8.7 tbh as there’s a few long range slingers at 9.7 & 9.0 will still be subjected to power 10.0 missile slingers example Mirage IIIC/IIICJ as SARH go, or for the 10.0’s with powerful IR missiles like the F-8E, Mirage 5F, A-5C, Super Étendard & the 9.7’s with R-60 like the MiG-21SPS-K.

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I would rather wait a minute longer and get a match I like, than leave multiple 16v16 matches until I finally get one with smaller teams.