Opinions of the state of minor nations in War Thunder

This is a wrong idea. Before Sweden ruled this game, who would be interested in Sweden?
When a country’s vehicles perform well enough, people naturally grind that country
The current situation with TT in China is that over 60% of the content is copied and pasted.
And at least half of those self-developed vehicles perform extremely poorly.
Until 2023, gaijin is still adding M41A3 to TT in China. Even if there are more self-developed/modified vehicles to choose from.
Who would be interested in such an unattractive situation?
If you ask a Chinese player, what do you think of the performance of Chinese TT in this game?
Everyone will only give consistent negative reviews.


Not just the gun shield, any part of the 99A is wrong. From the chassis, side profile to the turret, and size. Everything is wrong


It will take maybe 3 years till 99A gets fixed. And sprinkle in some C&P vehicles for your troubles.

I play China, Italy, France and Sweden as minor nations, and they are not bad. I would say I like Italy the most, despite what ptople say, I really love their vehicles! I would say my biggest let down is China, it is a great tree but currently in-game they only hve like 30% of domestic chinese tanks in it, and I want more of them added.

When China first joined this game, I could say without hesitation that 90% of the content was copied and pasted. They have never taken Chinese TT seriously.
And. there is also a traitor data officer in China who is trying to make all Chinese vehicles perform as poorly as possible
Until being driven away by angry players

wherein,20% of them performed extremely poorly.
Only content copied and pasted from the United States and the Soviet Union can obtain an equal status
Full of Russian bias

I think you should consider that Gaijin uses copypastes whenever they can. It’s a stopgap (that becomes permanent) that they can use to fill the TT with minimal effort

But currently, Chinese TT is already full enough, isn’t it?
it needs more independently designed and modified vehicles.
What I see now is still a mixed TT almost composed of the Soviet and the US

Huh? I think they are performing mid-subpar

Also ive submitted two reports about the J21A

They are uh…

Just… just a bit overtiered. please help me why is J22-B at 4.0 this thing only has two more 13.2mms over the J22-A and is the same otherwise

Well if you hit your shots it devistates the enemy, and its reasonably agile for 4.0 and can just evade its enemies. However the ripspeed of the J22s are grossly overexacturated. The top speed meter just means, ”hey idiot! You are going above the speed this aircraft is supposed to perform around. In reality the J22s could reach 670km/h down to 1500m and not rip at 600km/h like it pretty much does.

This is all in a dive of course, and pilots who flew the J22 described it to be good in terms of manueverability not locking up untill 650km/h

After all it did perform around the same level as the P51

The J22-A.

Is 3.0.

With the only difference being having two 8mms in place of two 13.2mms.

The J22-B can be decent, but it is no means good, 'least in AB. It should probably be ~3.3, since the -A is 3.0. (Or honestly 3.0, with the -A at 2.7)

Um, i dont play arcade. I play the J22B regurarly as a Air-Defence fighter and defend against Attackers and help allied aircraft to defend agains the enemies more manueverable aircraft.

The J22B should not be played offensively, personaly i think it performed worse at its lower br since its manueverability was bad for its BR

I dont play ARB ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The -A variant performs decently at 3.0 imo, but could go down to 2.7 easily to be with the hurricane Mk. 1/L. My current issue is that the -B is really not a significant improvement over the -A, and with 1.0 higher br.

Huh, btw why do you enjoy AAB it feels like a cluster——, of players chasing the newest diver.

Anyway the J22B has a relatively short time to kill, with two more 13.2mm in the past when the 13.2mm was as effective as the 20mm minengeshots it was especially cancerous. Nowadays after the nerf its more balanced, like the italian 12.7 HE-I

But the J22B just has a more reliable armament, and rip apart any armoured aircraft.

Huh, btw why do you enjoy AAB it feels like a cluster——, of players chasing the newest diver.

Multiple respawns and no 10m climb at the start, plus reloading.

But the J22B just has a more reliable armament, and rip apart any armoured aircraft.

The -A still has a fierce armament with two, and two more doesnt justify a 1.0 br difference, especially with no performance upgrades.