On this issue PLZ05 stop your arrogance and deliberate deception

In the issue I filed( PLZ05 cannot be proven to use DDB03 // Gaijin.net // Issues, the report was closed for no reason, and all I submitted was authoritative information. In another admitted report( [DEV] PLZ05 | Shell names/data // Gaijin.net // Issues, the administrator was secretive about the author’s submission, and when I found the report, I found that the so-called “credible information” was not applicable to PLZ05 at all, which was about SH1. I hope I can give me an explanation on this issue: does Gaijin refuse to accept a report that they don’t want to accept, even if it is reasonable?


@Smin1080p_WT I need an explanation


Welcome to the party of Minor Nations that Gaijin doesn’t care about.

Just look at the paid Sholef lol


In fact, gaijin just had to say “Yes, we discriminate equally against all countries except Japan, Sweden and Russia, and no one would be so bothered”


I don’t think they care about Japan either. Japan has less tanks than Israel does despite Israel starting at Rank IV.


In fact, gaijin could have avoided a lot of annoyance by simply saying "we just look down on countries other than Japan, Sweden, and Russia.


I don’t think they care about Japan. They’re not even getting anything confirmed this update.

(Guess they are now lol)

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Thailand’s AV8S and an armored vehicle are already in the works, not without news. Sweden and Japan in this version can only say, “We love Russia.”

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Another problem is we do lack a Chinese Tech Mod, or at least someone who know about Chinese vehicles.


updated in dev server

  1. Chassis tilting issue fixed
  2. Moving suspension implemented (!)
  3. HE shell TNT mass nerfed to 8.2kg, shell name changed to DDB02
  4. Ammo count increased to 30