On the topic of FOX-3s







While I am not a dedacated Air RB main, I do not think the game is ready for FOX-3s without a massive overhaul of Air RB. I would like to see FOX-3s but not with how dry Air RB is. What does everyone think?

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Maybe the new update schedule will give them enough time in-between this and the next patch to make air RB less garbage?

Ah, who am I kidding? 16v16 maps with 1 spawn runway and only ~60km separation here we come!


Gaijin already acknowledged the potential issues of Fox 3 spam and are experimenting with smaller team sizes like they mentioned in their post.

No amount of change to air RB would change how AARHs would function…
Also R-77s have a 50km range at 6000 meters altitude.

While in general I think most gamemodes are in dire need of major overhauls, the introduction of ARHs really doesn’t need such big changes.

A second airfield for each team to spawn on and ECM equipment would be enough

except we need smaller playercounts in general for jets, not just for top tier

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