Off-topic/General chat for Britain

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The best camouflage)) all optical devices and CAS covered with tanning. And the antennas are neon))

I bought it for 0.67 gcoin


A bunch of people called it bad so I hope at least a couple will be put on sale

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People calling it bad are clearly just sweats, the plane is so fun to fly

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Im eagerly looking forward to how the GCAP program will develop for U.K, Japan and Italy cant wait to see the tech demonstrator


I was told April.

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As Typhoon keeps getting denied, is it time to ask for this/submit a suggestion :D


Most reasonable British response


Now this is hilarious:


Fucking TEC again. Let’s see what shit take he has now.

Actually, this is quite good

It wasn’t as bad as what I thought it would be. I need to stop commenting on video’s I haven’t watched.

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I really wish GR7 could back to 11.3, 11.7 is so painful… I don’t know how to deal with F14 or MIG23ML if they don’t wanna dogfight with me…

Yeah… Should have stayed with 9Ls and gone down in BR. Getting Aim-9Ms was a mistake. They also need to undo the BOL nerfs.

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They need to remove indian tanks from britain tech tree and add them to russia
Its weird to see t90 in britain

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Yep, most agree to that, so many options instead from Challenger 1 variants used by Jordan to Canadian Leopards. (or better yet, literally any IFV or Light tank for 10.3) But instead they added a T-90. Purely to buff our TT


Keep 9M is ok, they are not so OP as before. The main issue is nobody plays it, so its BR won’t reduced anymore( in AB it is 12.3 lmao)

Im doubting 11.3 with 9Ms, simply because it does have those BOL and is due to get MAWS soon™. But yeah, there is pretty heavy compression. Ive not played it recently, not since the BR changes. going from 11.0 to 11.7 in SB has put me off it for now.

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Dry, semi-sweet, sparkling

Unfortunately, the wordplay is lost here, because in Russian, instead of sparkling, we use the word playfull