Off-topic/General chat for Britain

i don’t like the Challenger 3 breech shots can get OHKO easier
Black Night i prefer
also i value the quicker reload over a better dart

nice skin

2E best challenger, 3 is next, black night, then after that they are all the same

i go BN 2E then CR3

I haven’t played any of the Changers bar DS and the first tech-tree one. Didn’t need them to get the ADATS.

On and the WW2 one. That one is good if it wasn’t stuck the the worst BR range for the UK.

Saddenly Its not my photo.((

The highest aircraft I have is buccaneer s2((


Still not a bad aircraft. The British naval Su-25 analogue.


Yes, and it was great when I dropped 540 lb bombs in low-level flight and made 7 kills)))
Ballistic Computer is imba


It’s a mix between the Phantom, the Skyhawk, and the Rook.

And hentai…)

HMM, i have seen it when it was not yet cut >:)

what i want to know is when we get the new body pillows she designed, there is a german one and a french if i remember correctly sitting in datamine since some time

Just a shame we have no viable SPAA at that bracket or a decent IFV. I can accept no 10.7-11.7 IFV, but no 10.0/10.3 IFV is a just disappointing

Though I do still think Chally DS needs L26. I keep getting non pens. Even with near 0 degree impacts.



neweset one finaly

SA plane passed.

you will be happy or sad depending if they add who they give it to

yeah, just thought about it as well, but the community is pretty clear where it should go in the suggestion

when does gajin do what the community wants
Singapore is a weird one to place

UK got its premium, the SG would fit pretty well into 11.3 as the german premium