Atlas Cheetah E

The main issue with creating a line for South Africa is the lower ranks. Not particularly due to lack of South African aircraft (planes like the Hurricane, Shackleton, Vampire, etc. fill out Ranks I-V pretty nicely even if they are mostly copy paste) but because Britain has too many aircraft in that area to effectively condense to four tech lines. Trust me, I tried it as a thought exercise making an extended tree. It’s impossible with having folders of 4 or 5 aircraft, which I don’t think Gaijin is particularly keen on based on the way the tech trees are organized right now.

Of course, I’m a fan of inserting ZA vehicles into lines as one-off researchables, and that’s where I think South African jets would do the best.


@Headnaught @bristrees Yes, I think the better option would be to just put them in the tree where they would fit like this perhaps:

As the options exist I think they’d be good to supplement the British tree particularly for some fighters between 9.7 and 11.3 which I think the cheetah with Python 3’s would do an excellent job at 10.7/11.0

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South African vehicle that needs to fall in the South African sub-tree under Great Britain.

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I think it might be possible to do a combined CAN/AUS/SAF line consisting almost entirely of unique aircraft and modifications. Don’t know how exactly to integrate it into the overall tree but you could see stuff like:

  • CA-15 Kangaroo at rank 4
  • CF-100 Canuck at rank 5
  • CAC-27 Sabre at rank 5 or 6
  • A-4K (Kiwi Skyhawk) at rank 6
  • Mirage IIIC South African (or Australian, IDK which one is more unique) at rank 7
  • ALTERNATIVE: F-111C of Australia at rank 7
  • Atlas Cheetah at rank 7
  • JAS39C at rank 8
  • CF-18 Hornet at rank 8

Wirraway Mk I and Ca-10A Wirraway Mk III at tier 1
Both Boomerangs and Ca-4 at tier 2
Ca-11A, Ca-14 and Ca-14A at tier 3.
Cf-105 at tier 6.

I don’t think a full sub-tree will happen sadly, but lets hope for these vehicles to all appear one way or another.


British tech tree, as the SA Gripen. That would be great


Now that we have a South African Gripen, this would be a lovely addition to the British air tree

It would be nice addition to the Uk but would be bitter sweet as we will be taking something from the French who are probably the most unique tree in the game

Cheetah is basic on Kfir, it have some different


It is very unlikely it would end up anywhere else than the British tech tree now.
Even so there are enough unique Mirage III/5/50 family upgrades for France.

A very nice addition! Though the V3C, being a multi-spectral missile, is completely unflareable and combined with its max overload of at least 35g makes it pretty much a guaranteed kill. With only a pair of these missiles it’d probably be alright for 12.3, but definitely would be a more well rounded vehicle at 10.7 with V3B as its top missile or 11.0 with V3S (Python 3).

I agree with your points in general, but I fail to see how this airframe would end up at 12.3. It’s effectively a Mirage IIIE with canards and only carries two missiles. And even if those missiles are nigh-unflareable, you would have to get into position to use them against fighters with several times your reach. I think 11.3 maximum would be more appropriate for V3Cs, but I agree giving it the V3S and putting it at 10.7 or 11.0 is the better play. Cheetah E would have an all around worse flight envelope than the Kfir C.2 which sits at 11.0 but makes up for it with the helmet mounted sight, so they’re roughly comparable assuming the V3S is the best missile the Cheetah would get.


UK, also why the E variant?


why is their no option for UK tree only France and Israel

they always forget that SA is British sub-tree.


I’ve just noticed this photo has the same missile warning system as the Cheetah C (note fixture above the brake chute housing). It was probably applied to the Cheetah E just before the Cheetah C entered service, at which point the systems probably would have been salvaged and moved to the new fighter. Still good to know that it’s not just a feature of the Cheetah C.

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I have to ask, why the E varient over the C varient?


The Cheetah E fits better in the 10.7-11.0 range while the Cheetah C is much more capable. They fill different niches so it’s worth having both of them in the tree at some point.


Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.