tell me how it went, then I’ll see if I grind out mine
It has worse mobility in exchange for LWS and commander thermals. The gun and ammo are pretty much identical. They both mount Relikt as well.
I would still take the T-80BVM for the mobility.
Personally, I’ve continually said that Russia would be at it’s most competitive if it got more NATO comparable upgrades. Which is why I chose to grind China over Russia.
I dont understand why russia still cannot make a good transmission
It has the same weight, according to online sources with a better engine. I could be wrong, do you have a source? I can’t find anything.
It’s not that they can’t make one, they just take the cheaper alternative.
The T-80BVM has more HP at 1,250 while the T-90 only has 1,000. It also retains the transmission of the T-72’s and T-90’s. So it might only be a small improvement.
Couldn’t find much else with a quick search.
Oh, well I should clarify too, I’m talking about T-90A vs T-90M as an upgrade in mobility.
Okay, it definitely is an upgrade to 1,130 with the V-92S2F. So it would at least be an upgrade over the T-72B3 and T-90A.
It has barely worse mobility.
It’d perform similarly to T-72B3 in speed, which is very fast.
been grinding the us tree with premiums (yes i spent too much) and i want to know is using the dart on the xm1(GM) worth it or just use heat
It’s worth to not use it at all at this point. Use the wolfpack if you have it
One of my biggest regrets is the xm-1 pack
Cause i don’t just use one premium in top tier so i don’t leave after one death i use it as a last resort have wolfpack and kvt
so heat or dart
dart even thought it even more dogshit than before. heat is just completely unreliable at that br
will do
no had to 4 shot and ifv using the heat
@StormRyder13 I just don’t get why he thinks the Benelux tree is bad like it’s one of the most unique nations left
That is because top tier is everything to these people and they can’t look past the MBTs. So many nations have unique IFV, APC and WW2 stuff. but because the Allied nation used Shermans and Leopards(what almost every Allied nation did) it’s C&P.
9.0 air became playable. WTF happened
Y’all are gonna think im weird but im enjoying the F4J (UK)