You just had to bring politics in here X (
I’ll bring some. Down with the Snail! Free RP for all!
you mentioned pub and I immediately went political, cause that’s literally all that happens at my local pub
I kid you not there was once almost a fight over a pub trivia question on who was considered to be the worst prime minister of the 21st century
do you guys think that if this topic reaches 10000 posts it will automatically create a part 2 aswell?
I would imagine so
how can someone say egg so many times in the same short period
@Deathmisser you were constantly going on about a new tech tree in the RR&B thread but I never got what nations you wanted.
So I ask you what nations are you wanting?
Because it has a under current of egg and eggs
lots of eggs.
Eggelent eggy egg taste
Well officially with interviews and stuff I bet Poland but the one I want that a tough one.
I wouldn’t mind ether Czechoslovakia, Netherlands or Spain
Tbh not much yea I will play them when they will get added at some point but yea
my personal bets are on either Yugoslavia, poland or up until recently are Egyptian/ syrian tree