Use full screen mode instead of full screen window. You will get at least 5 more fps. I used to get 25-30 fps with full screen window with low settings but after using the full screen mode now I get 30-40 fps.
yeah attica is laggy for me too
that’s more than twice as many frames as you actually need
What monitor refresh rate you playing at?
IDK im on xbox, but the human eye is estimated to see around 60fps so 60-80 fps( to account for sync between the screen and your eye) is probably good for most people
That’s nonsense. People don’t buy high refresh rate monitors for no reason. You can tell the difference. My monitor is 180hz.
I play on a tv so XD (like a literal 48in tv from Walmart)
Have you ever tried using a 144+ Hz monitor ?
The difference between 60 and 144 is so big that you can even notice it by just moving your mouse rapidly on the desktop, let alone in fast paced games.
Once you try 144Hz, there’s no going back as the jitter-less movement cannot be unseen.
bruh im on an xbox hooked up to a 48in TV, besides i generally don’t get jitter anyways
Try with vsync off
60Hz jitters like crazy when compared to 144Hz, it’s immediately seen.
Once you see how smooth latter is, 60Hz will forever burn your eyes.
60 fps is not the same as 60hz nor did I say I had 60 fps
Ooof, I can feel for anyone that doesn’t even have 60 FPS, let anything more than that.
Changes nothing. It’s not the VSync fault.
never said what fps I had to begin with IIRC I don’t even have a FPS count shown
Weirdly enough I don’t have problems with attica, I do however always get a ~3-5 second freeze and a 1-2 second stutter at the start of every game. Only since the last Major update, it’s easy to work around, but weird lmao