Is it possible for a tank to cross its max speed without going downhill and without reducing weight?
@Morvran you’re right about the Harrier’s IR signature, it is beyond cooked rn.
PL-5Bs are insanely flare hungry and I just had one ignore 7 pops from an FRS.1, it’s crazy.
It was like a 1.5km shot too any other plane and that missile would have been long gone.
Yep… It’s pretty much the only thing single Handedly keeping them at low BRs. The FA2 is nearly unplayable Vs IRCCMs and only with BOl, which are modeled to be a fraction of the strength IRL
They need to fix it immediately, both the IR signature and BOL, so many aircraft (F3 mainly) could be if it from accurate BOL.
Yeah, full strength BOL and I could see the F3 early going to 12.3 and still being a good aircraft.
Especially if they got Phimat as well
Hehe skyflashes go neoom
I gotta grind out the British tree but my options are suffer through props bc I suck at this game, get the Junk and suffer through that, or get the Bison and wonder why I keep buying MiG-21 premiums lmao
Buy the Sea-vixen. It’s unique and strangely fun once you master it
Though the spitfires are easy mode compared to most props I find
Thanks, I’ll look into it.
I really wanted the Saudi Lighting for the history if not thing else, but now I have to wait a whole year.
Same missiles I as the Vixen guess 🤷♂️
I have that too, and it’s okay, but the higher BR compared to the sea vixen mitigate the red tops a lot,.most things have flares and the rocket pods are now quite nerfed
To me it kind of looks like a starfighter with slightly better missiles and maybe some worse FP, idk after the nerf tho. I’ve never played a lighting though so who can know.
It’s getting very late (or early, depending on how you consider it) where I live, so I’ll end it here. Thanks for the suggestion and hopefully the Harrier gets fixed soon.
I decided to use the C.202EC, and it seems pretty good. 6 non AI air kills ties my kill record.
It definitely seems like a solid aircraft, it is fast with very good guns, and plenty of ammo.
A little thing I made
Well at least the implementation of new research bonuses has finally given me a reason to buy the J-11A
Yea but ever since they fixed the F-15C ISR the J11A takes the crown of the worst top tier jet. And from what I’ve seen it’s just really really not that good
Ad notam
Dear developers, you have destroyed all anti-aircraft gun positions on all maps. Thank you very much. Now after 25 seconds the car explodes. I have a choice - I blow up the anti-aircraft gun myself or the developers blow it up. I will write a more detailed report in my diary. With the appropriate epithets, which are not said in front of women and children. Hehe
Gaijin Please add
Italian vehicles are getting out of hand
I think the J-11A always won the crown turd at top tier prize, the base Su-27 radar and R-77s in the AIM-120 meta would have been bad enough but it also kept the old Radar Warning Receiver.
At least now I get new nation bonus towards the J-10, or the F-15J/Harrier GR.7/Tornadoes if I get around to them
its german