Off Topic Discussion

you can google it easily

Google it i can’t risk get banned

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The Lightning F.53 Temporarily Returns for Golden Eagles, and ofc all of a sudden the Red Tops are useless. Last weekend my Sea Vixen was a banger, now I just get slapped out of the sky every match. Unplayable, thx for the shadow nerf.

I do not know why it seems to be much harder to be good with the Sea Vixen now, but…

Randy Marsh Internet GIFs | Tenor

Nothing has changed with the Red Top since it’s general performance increases/corrections with the last major update. Please stop spreading misinformation.


But Smin

I love spreading misinformation online



i found out that not the Red Tops are the issue but the completely abyssmal BR compression making vehicles, like for example the Sea Vixen useless in Uptiers. This should be Adresse, we need decompression across all BR ranges.

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When are we going to get a Tank Only GRB mode?

Outside of limited time events, we do not have any plans for a tank only standard game mode.


Use to be easy in the late 90s / early 2000s…

Tho, use to take like a few hours or so to install and set up windows :P you had to configure each step manually… then boot up would take like 2-5 mins… these days boot up is pretty much instant ^^ and installation is all automatic pretty much…

I also remember my friend accidentally putting his finger into the CPU fan, it wasnt happy about missing a fan blade…

And another time we accidentally booted the PC without the fan attached… took about 2-3 seconds to burn out lol…

Having 386 / 486 PCs were the fun times…


Oh wow lol.

Well glad to say my new one runs war thunder fully maxed and the temps are between 60c-80c with no issues.
However that poor compared to IL-2 GB maxed which runs barley past at a comfortable 37c.

Well thats good to hear!

I also remember when it took me the entire day to install windows back then too… I had some kind of conflict I was trying to troubleshoot… so… had to re-format / install… then re-format / install about 6 or so times over… just to try and figure out what was going on… so that was easily 12-15 hours that I wont get back lol

And another time, I think it was around 2010… my CPU fan was not plugged in right or it just pooped out for like 6 months, and I did not even notice… so, basically the computer runs at a comfortable temperature without cooking its self, so its pretty much a safe mode even if it is just attached to the heat sink, so my computer was under powered for 6 months and I didnt even realize it…


Nice to hear an answer but then who ever asked the question directly ? Nobody probably : ) Thanks for this,Closure on the subject I guess.

Kind of saves us putting it forward as a suggestion and flooding the devs with it.Thanks again.

This question was answered multiple times already, so you are not the first one :)

Grab official Q&A for example

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Hard to find this stuff Stona and you must have seen this thread thrown up again and again ,to your eternal pain no doubt : ) .Nothing stopping anybody from Gaijin from stepping in and putting it all to bed once and for all.
Even those who stated Gaijin had already said no couldn’t find any evidence to back themselves.

I have been a big advocate for TO but I am delighted with an official no.It’s something at least.
We can all move on.Once again ,Many thanks for an answer on this…

I have answered such questions in many “T O” topics during the last 10 years. Many TO topics participants are aware of this.
And I don’t see any problem with leaving such topics open for discussion (of course, if there are a lot of them, it’s better for everyone to have one big “general TO” to discuss them), that’s why we have them on our forum. Fact, that we do not plan such thing doesn’t mean you cannot discuss it :)
Also, there is a difference (at least to me) between discussing TO mode and discussing CAS balance.

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Yea you were lucky there m8

But yea I won’t be running war thunder on max all the time hehe I most likely run it on high with breaks.
I’m so gonna love IL-2 Korea when it comes out tho.

And the new ship game grand voyage too I mean look at that detail

I get this and maybe much of the issue is forum members simply not asking the right people the right questions : ) Thanks again.

Finished my so far first gaming PC build in early 2021.

I wanted it to be able to Run Star Citizen, and it does on the highest settings just like GTA V or War Thunder for example. Need to expand my storage tho.


Had a hickup with the first GPU, got scammed.


I didn’t know there was a offtopic channel.

Enjoy plane tetris