Off Topic Discussion

How the heck did this thread become a world of warplanes thread

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Pilot got so angry they destroyed it on the spot

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it’s Off topic

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P.1214 my beloved

it had its engine fully tested, a mock-up (allegedly) viewed by Maggie thatcher, and had an airframe at some stage of construction, so technically meets the criteria for WT

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na that just looks like a flying canoe

it seems like germans like what soviets did to yak

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the design may be bad but the drawing of it is good

I mean these looks so wonky, just look at them

oh I love that thing and the Idea they had when making it

Seaplanes are my Passion

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Some of them can come in WT, legit x)

I can’t wait for gaijin to run out of real planes

would make for a good Event together with the Circular plane from America

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what about its cursed brother, the P.1216?


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Ah the Supervixxen

Man, I love that thing

That looks cool ngl

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looks like a random carrier plane the USN made

it was arguably further forward in development than the P.1214 as well so it could come at some point

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What I really want to see is this tho


Mini Concorde Fighter