Indeed, I have almost 1,000 Hours and no achievements. (modded baby)
The fact that the game is extremely replayable as almost nothing goes the same unless you make it get the same.
Indeed, I have almost 1,000 Hours and no achievements. (modded baby)
The fact that the game is extremely replayable as almost nothing goes the same unless you make it get the same.
Well, I’d like the F-18 and Leo for malding reasons, but the modern vehicle I want most is the LAV-III (my beloved).
But if you ask me the most wanted thing is the funny name SPA, AKA the Sexton.
i want the 2A6m CAN as funny and looks nice
is the LAV-III only Canadian
LAV-III is Canadian.
New Zeland also uses LAV-III (NZLAV)
The US Stryker is based on the LAV-III but isn’t a LAV-III
As the US joined and started making their own LAV variants with the LAV-II (they called it the LAV-25).
Hence the Yanks might mald as they’ll think the UK is getting a US vehicle when it’s fully Canadian at the end of the day they just use it.
well clearly Canada doesn’t make anything only America
There’s the coyote too. Also lav III is about as Canadian as the cf18. Aka its not. Its a cheap knock off because Canada is afraid of military spending lol. Luv u canada. Its swiss anyway lol.
Knock off of what? Oh, the Mowag Piranha it was originally licensed and built from.
I’d say it’s more like the CL-13 or the Grizzly(Tank) over the F-18.
As Canada dose built them it’s self and didn’t by it from Switzerland.
So I guess the kf41 isn’t german design because they’re built in Hungary. There weren’t substantial enough modifications to make it a different vehicle. You could sorta call the coyote Canadian because it is heavily modified, addition fuel tanks, loss of amphibious capability, ect. But the lav isn’t canadian.
I not trying to hate on canda either. They tend to use the best of what nato has to offer within price constraints. Just they tend not to build and use thier own stuff.
Indeed it is a mess. It’s how we get the “Skink dilemma”
A Canadian SPAA built on a Canadian-built hull based on an American design. Most sources will call the Grizzly(Tank) Canadian what the Skink is built on.
As most things will call Licened built unique to the nation that built it.
Only the LAV-I(AVGP) Is a licensed Prianta the LAV-II and LAV-III are Canadian and not based on Prianta’s but the AVGPs and the changes they brought.
Everything I could find called the LAVs “Derivatives” of the Mowag Piranha.
I couldn’t do as funny with aircraft so here is a Canadian Eurofighter and A-10 because why not.
This year we are launching our first rocket to Karman line.
I heard there was another Sekrit document leek? is that true? did we really do it again?
Yeah but it was just a export restricted document. F16C’s documents were leaked. It happened yesterday(15 feb)
ah ok so the Bradly posts are wrong, good
White whine is good for cooking, not for drinking!
it makes for a good flavour in sauces