why am i so bad at using the MIG23ML like i know my crew isn’t trained but i hate being dragged into top tier
Man, that thing is good. Just dont rush to the front, keep alittle at the back
Nah im using the SU25 k now to grind air
i think its cause i changed the crew and im too used to phantoms
Ah yes, using something that does not turn after phantoms is difficult due to habit, you will get over it
i ate the radar
i ate the missiles
i ate the plane
Use mti and r24r. You might get guaranteed 2 kills per game if you select good targets
I still love the 23
Gaijin when?
Only if added with other similar behemoths.
For all of you who ever wanted to go for a military expo, but could not.
They do a very detailed videos
i guess i’ve never played top tier
Top tier Britain didn’t exist
Disgraceful lack of Firebrand usage, shame
also the F-16C is right there at no. 11
39C, F3, Gr7, Junk, 4S, 16C, ML? Nah no top tier here. Clearly F16C and JAS39C arew my favourite props
most of the F3 play time is from when it was the top fighter in the tree what else was i meant to fly
“Yes I have meta and toptier experience, I only have 87 games in 6 months on F16C”
"And I’ve also played F4S premium beware! "
Lmao what a joke Fortunately, there are those who say that the Mirage 4K and the F15 are better in the current meta than the Su27 hahaha
i don’t like the F16
and the Tornado F3 is top tier its the end of the fighter line for and the best fighter we had for a year
I think you just don’t like toptier and you’re right.
I never play prop personally, but I don’t come to the forum to talk about a part of the game in which I have little experience.
Imagine me coming along and saying that the FW190 sucks? I’d be laughed out of the room, especially if my stats show that I’ve hardly ever played this br.
neither do i
i said i don’t like the f16 i liked the phantoms even the bad ones
i have played the gripen which i enjoy
the F3 is top tier i have fought f16s and mig29s in it
you are deluded
And in the actual toptier? We speak about the actual toptier.
How many game in F15? Zero
Su 27? Zero
Mirage? oh wait wait… Zero
Gripen? Oh zero , probably a coincidence? :O
So, 0 + 0 = 0 top tier experience, what an amazing calcul isnt it? Maybe I’m a savant? That is deluded?
I dont know why i speak with people like this i was originally talking about the F15 vs Su27 and people who have never been in these battles come and tell me about their lives, great lmfao.
But in your world, I’d have to listen to you and agree because "believe me, I’ve got buddies who’ve told me that… "
What an amazing social experience, i love that
i see the problem you can’t read well that’s ok