Off Topic Discussion

Can someone make a funny clip of this one Scene where I and half my team absolutely shred a lone Jagdpanzer IV? It’s towards the end of the replay/late half.

Edit. There is also a fun scene where I trapshot another Jadgpanzer by accident.

Export afaik, but whatever, better not end anywhere else than the French TT :))

Obscure proto time !

AMX10RC with KBCM:


Could be a cool first squadron for France.

We could’ve got that kit (Jammers, lws, more smokes…)on Leclerc as well but they never mounted, sad…
(except if “planned” is working for Gaijin there, but doubt ^^)


just play sim for the first time with vr did not do well

Plane. what such is a used content creator decal link and didn’t get the decal.

Which CC?

CathFawr’s from this doc:


War Thunder Partner Decals & Decorations - Google Spreadsheets

I’ve never watched their stuff I just want the decal as I thought it looked neat.

try restarting the game

I’ll try that.

it should be in “logotypes”

yep, that worked got it now.

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Ok, which one of you psychopaths use B-scope SPAA radar

I don’t think it’s available anymore

I think only Tunguska have it, but i cant check it

Just had my first PvP battle in a Ka-52 since building a competitive 11.3 lineup (forgot at the time the heli is 11.7).

CAS meta has EVERYONE looking for planes. Bullied 6 people and survived the whole match. Damn thing is a total villain.

That saddens me greatly


don’t really care about mozdok change but sinai hurts

Same tbh, I loved flanking over the hills and sniping unexpecting enemies. Now you either go to dunes and get killed by a sniper in g/a lane or you go to b/c and you die by a sniper staying in gf/ab lanes. No tactic stay at the back and snipe or hold W…
Spanish did predicted what the maps will become, or maybe that post gave the devs an idea?

I’m broke