Off Topic Discussion

Then it gets hit by a dart and dies as its era can’t stop it

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Why are USA mains demanding that that the F15 is bad and they need aim9x and aim120 right now.
When im just hoping the USA mains don’t scream lound enough to nerf the gripen as they don’t understand how a Swedish jet could be just as good as a F16

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Well, war thunder haha… Some people cant change. And yes, i will continue to scream that Cr2/3 is a mess, and i wont change

Adding AIM120 would benefit the Gripen too, no?

The only radar missiles it gets currently on the dev-server is skyflash (AIM-7E2)

I think most people complaining about F-15 are just concerned about the SU-27 and how it outperforms every jet in the game in BVR and almost every jet in dogfighting.

6x R27ER + 4x R73 is a very strong loadout.


It what i think they are doing with the Swedish C when it comes i think it will come with AMRAAMS

No, the ARH were said to come in the second update of the year, while the Gripen comes in first


Probably preaching to the choir here, but I’m still not convinced why the Gripen C can’t come to UK and Sweden at the same time (this update)

If the differences are so minimal as they say, then copy pasting it or changing the skins around would take very little effort.

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Idk why it cant. I guess gaijin has its purpose in it

No smin said the next major which is 2 updates

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Probably so we can have the joy of researching it the 2nd time…

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The purpose it to research AMRAAMS most likely

That’s literally filler tho.
Whereas Gripen A & C aren’t filler & serve valuable roles.
Also Gripen only goes 12.0 if F-16C goes there.

Is the LaGG-3-23 that rare ?

I have it since years but don’t even remember where/how i got it. Must be my most rarer vehicle, but used it once or two, not more haha.


Wow is it any good

Nah, at least not for me.

Only played once or twice, really meh and not fan, 1x12.7 and 1x20mm

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How the 4000

Look really good so far, dunno personally because i never use devservers.

From YT CCs and all it looks like it’s the best dogfighter in the game so far.

Same thing with the gripen which im hoping to try next dev server

Jokes on you, moved to the next major, take the Chally side armor and cry