Off Topic Discussion

Didn’t the researchers find a pizza like object in pompeii? Maybe a pizza like food existed in both places

I want to believe pizza is a fundamental part of the human experience throughout all time and space.

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And this variant of the amx-13 155, little beauty with big gun :D


And would love the amx-13 105 too, mobile and can fire pretty quickly some heat


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Funny proto before bed: Amx-30 Javelot.


Based on an AMX 30 chassis, the Javelot anti-aircraft weapon system consisted of a 64-tube rocket launcher firing 40 mm rockets weighing just over one kilogram (1,030 grams) at a muzzle velocity of 1,100 m/s.
These rockets, fitted with additional trajectory propulsion and tail-stabilized, reached 1100 m/s, giving a travel time of 2.8 s at 2,000 meters. The 400g warhead charge could be triggered by an impact or proximity fuse.
Firing was carried out in bursts of 8 rockets, “organized” in space (different firing directions) and repeated in time (successive bursts).


The UK

Calling it broken is a bit of a stretch but it’s certainly not bad either.

The missile itself is very good, the chassis adequate and it has a cool radar gimmick but overall it suffers the same issues all the other lightly armored atgm only vehicles do in that its extremely map dependent and requires a certain play style to do well in. There are certainly worse vehicles than it definitely but I would hardly call it broken especially in comparison to some other things around it’s BR

Looking at you 2s38

Eurofighter Knock-off

F-102 knock off. ;)

haven’t read you in a while

how is it?

Okay, here’s a deal right.
Thunderskill with its 2% of active players has among the best players in the game, typically everyone else will be worse than Thunderskill players.
So if 2S38 is so OP certainly on Thunderskill it has a KDR of over 3:1 right…
Oh… it’s 1.07:1 KDR among the best players in the game.

Obviously take this mostly with a grain of salt.
This is more to illustrate unless all non-Thunderskill users are all more skilled than Thunderskill players, it’s safe to say 2S38 isn’t OP.

Weird, similar KDR.
This is not to be used to compare the vehicles. I just wanted to share what I noticed. I have ZERO conclusions based on Thunderskill.
And I hope no one else comes to conclusions based on Thunderskill

What do you mean @someweirdname ?

Its just very annoying and common as its premium

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That is a take I can get behind and fully agree with.

On a relative note:
I’d prefer to see more T-72Bs as they’re actually a challenge to deal with.

The last 2S38 i fought i killed it with a starstreak

should really take my higher tier Event/Prem Lineups out again now that theres so much new food at those ranks

I think my Turms and Mexas got rusty by now


what’s your favourite sauce?


And the 155mm M40!

Big shot

Recognize the decal?


There my F-106, MiG-25PD, Mig-31 and leduc

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Anyone know it’s name?

It could be a nice SPAA for USA.