If you would like to mention something new about its penetration please do so.
Hey buddy I’m glad you told me that I had no idea that the vehicle was more effective at long range. I’ll make use of that knowledge the next time I’m on a map which offers long engagement distances.
No BR change will fix it but it will allow it to function on more maps. 250 kinetic penetration is marginally effective at 9.3 compared to 10.3 where tanks begin to have serious composite armor.
Hit things past 200m. Not hard to do on like 90% of maps
You don’t need long ranges, 400-500m is enough.
Yeah man I hear you completely. I’ll make use of that knowledge as soon as I’m on a map which offers long engagement distances.
Yes I would love to see 400-500 meters be the general engagement distance for tanks of a higher tier.
250m is not long distance. Even at rank 2, that is not considered long distance
Yeah for sure, as soon as I find a map which offers engagements at that distance I’ll make sure to shoot down those long sight lines.
Every map offers 400-500m sight lines.
Yeah I totally understand. I’ll make sure to find those sight lines the next time I’m on a map which offers them.
There are couple iffy ones like advance to the rhine but yeah, like 90% have those
Yep I’ll make sure to use them when I find a map that offers those engagement distances.
Shouldnt be hard to find them at least
Cool, LOSAT is fine at 10.3.
No not at all. War Thunder’s maps rarely are CQC they offer good long sight lines and long engagement distances.
It’s staggering to me that you look at the current compressed state of the 8.3-10.3 BR range and think “Yeah, thermal FCS guided 1800mm kinetic missiles will make this better for everyone!”
You won’t fix top tier BR compression and terrible gaijin map design that way, only give them more excuses to never address it. This is why we get crappy updates to the game where Gaijin just shrugs and points at some 2-sentence thesis on the mechanics of a completely unique vehicle that has never existed before in the game and says “Well you guys ASKED for this…”
Certainly as soon as we can find a map that isn’t CQC focused.
Let me know when you can find these maps that dont have 200m sight lines
9.3 is compressed?