Object 292 BR

Definitely worse armour than T-80BV


That gun handling is decent, but for a 9.0 vehicle lol.

Definetly different attack angle

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Here you go, not much of a difference


Ur mom. Joke.


I’m going to wait to see how it preforms first in actual battles.


Looks like yet another flaw, highly vulnerable and exposed ammo rack.

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3BM42 oneshots it aswell, your point? Why would anyone shoot the gunner when you can oneshot the tank through the classical weakspots, the same goes for the 292.

I dont understand the fuss about this tank, armor is no different from other soviet MBTs around the BR, the mobility is nothing special, the reload is a pain and it has almost no additional tools to use other than the laser rangefinder (not even a simple coaxial MG).

Oh, but muh pen = overpowered it should be 11.7!

Oh look im shooting at the most armored part of the vehicle and it cant pen! The same shell cant even pen the T-72Bs and even the T-64B which has very similar armor effectivnes to the 292 + ERA on top of it at 9.7.

Placing empty arguments without even fighting against or using the object 292 in real matches is just plain dumb. I swear WT forums are on a whole different level.


People go apeshit crazy over penetration calling things OP while not looking at a bigger picture.
The same thing can be observed with M-51 and threads about it where people with a massive case of tunnel-vision will call it OP lol.


Ohh look, I need to aim from pixel weakspots with normal rounds at this BRs, when bobject can lol pen me center mass from 4km. Fair enough. Other soviet tanks at that BR have other flaws that make them balanced with armour they have on top of it, and they doesnt have 700mm of pen to begin with. T-64B has armor, but has literal no mobility, the same goes with T-72B that has no thermals what so ever. Then you have T-80B clone with railgun with the same mobility and better armour around weakspots. What are you smoking ?

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This tank is going to be dreadful.

Having no machine gun at helicopter BR is painful, even a coaxial matters.

If this vehicle receives its historical 1250hp gtd-1250 then it will at least be somewhat mobile.

6rpm is absolutely dreadful for 10.0 and that’s a serious problem if you ever bump into more than one tank.

Reverse speed and armour are crucial for derp guns to work in war thunder.

152mm apfsds simply doesn’t have enough lethality to counteract the drawbacks.

You need a shell virtually guaranteed to nuke, but like most derp guns this one actually requires careful aiming for modules to avoid the damage being absorbed by fuel tanks, insufficient spalling or weird angles. Damage model mechanics are favourable to mid calibre guns.

If this game correctly modelled any aspects of how highly energetic shells interact with armour, this vehicle and other derp guns would be good.

But since vehicles shrug off these shells and don’t crumple under the sheer energy of shells like this, it will be underwhelming. Huge penetration simply isn’t good enough because penetration is far less important than internal damage afterwards.

Basically not as good as T-80B in important ways. It’s not as fast, it can’t see as well, it lacks the rate of fire necessary to deal with aiming mistakes or to take advantage of a decent sniping spot.

Anyone will find a PT-16/T14 massively superior at the same BR for a huge number of reasons. Object 292 is far from the meta.


Its actually modeled, play 105mm and then try out 120mm vs the same targets and you will see what I am talking about.

I tried it and it doesnt even feel different than T-80B

Same optics as T-80B only without gen 1 thermals that is situational

If oyu have 152mm gun and 700mm of pen and you count that your first shot wouldn’t be lethal, its huuuuge skill issue

Would be on the same lvl as T-80U, 11.3 tank

Again, situational awareness and dont rushing without mind behind your finger.

Maybe vs those rushing early with rocket pods

T-72B is the same BR, yet doesnt have reverse speed or 700ish round and mobility of this thing

Neither does the 292.

The driver weakspot is still the same and the only reason why it has “more” armor around the barrel is because the damn barrel is a LOT bigger than the 125mm.

The mobility is not the same, it has 23.9 hp/t while the T-80B has 25.6 hp/t.

Wait for it to be actually playable in real matches, I guarantee it will not be the insane OP monster from the depths of hell some people are trying to make it out to be.


We will see, definitely I would try to play along it and againts it and came back here with my thoughts. For now my statement is clear. It is wrong that this tanks is gonna be 10.0. And i am not saying it is worth being overtiered as well. But 10.7 is a place for it, and surely it will go up in time, after the event.

Maybe so, but lower rate of fire and higher damage tends to get trolled more often by random armour joints and so on. Better to have 120 DM23 and 4 second reload like PT-16/T14.

The penetration allows you to penetrate more areas, but you must still hit essentially the same weakspots in order to kill the crew in one shot.

You don’t get enough additional spalling to compensate for the slower reload.

DM53 has something like 7.5 MegaJoules of energy point blank. This new shell has maybe 12.5 MegaJoules. This is starting to get into the territory of energy where penetration is less relevant than sheer structural damage from energy.

Right now in game, the Shell would do nothing to a 2A5 turret cheek except remove the wedge.

In real life, we could be talking about ripping the turret off, caving in the armour and causing damage on a scale that would simply render any vehicle in the game outright incapable of fighting.

The fact is a poorly placed shot means 1-2 dead crew and then they return fire and you die.

The drozd event tank has no thermals and Swedish one has no 3bm46, both are 11.0 for some minor reductions in capability. Those tanks have decent armour, gun handling, optics, reload and generally are much more meta. It not only about the mobility.

Situational awareness allows you to engage on favourable terms. This tank has severe limits on what terms are favourable to it, it basically can only rely on unaware prey, faster reaction times, prey with inferior gun handling. It doesn’t have a reload conducive to ever fighting more than one tank at a time. It has barely enough armour to tank hull down, huge lumpy turret which is vulnerable at most times, reverse speed makes it unsuitable for peekaboo.

No amount of situational awareness can actually negate the way the problems of such a vehicle interact with each other. They compound badly.

It is a bad vehicle. It relies on armour and 3bm42. The weakspots are comically large and well known to the enemies it faces, it struggles with a slow reload and a lack of mobility.

Relying on a shell doesn’t work at top tier, armour doesn’t either. These things aren’t enough on their own.

If you can penetrate weakspots, you don’t need more, it is rarely a meaningful advantage to go beyond the necessary.
Mobility is crucial.
Gun handling is crucial.
Reload is crucial.
Optics are crucial.
Survivability is crucial.

292 lacks all those things and has few meaningful strengths as compensation.

The penetration and spalling don’t negate the reload, mobility, gun handling, optics and survivability deficits.

PT-16/T14 is the perfect example.

It doesn’t need armour or huge penetration, it has sufficient penetration, overwhelming mobility, excellent gun handling, incredible reload, good optics and good survivability.

These traits allow it to excel in many situations, it can control fights, it can snipe, it can brawl, it is simply outright superior to Object 292.


I think gaijin should stop adding vehicles that flip the “idea” of the game upside down. Top tier gameplay is stale but its mostly consistent, so if you play lets say leo2a4 or Abrams you have the idea where you have armor, where you have not , what you can do in a tank and what your enemies can do. But now there will be a MBT that can just pen everything (from what ive seen on YT). Same thing happend when heat-fs was added. One day there were weakspots, knowledge how to angle etc., and the next day they were t54s lolpenning maus in the UFP.

Also balance of event vehicles is kinda all over the place, this thing will be okey in RB and probably bonkers im AB, while thing like LOSAT is just borderline unplayable.

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My man you could hit anywhere center mass with it and it would oneshot, maybe two shot at worst (and you probably broke every module in the tank that got hit so it’s not like you’re going to have to deal with return fire).

The thing can pen the M1A1 HC’s 680-780mm turret cheek, there are definitely tons areas of the average 800mm protection 2A5 turret that can be penned by it. And again, this thing can pen the strongest parts of most, if not all, 11.7 tanks! That’s ridiculous!

Neither does any other tank that isn’t a light tank. You act like the difference between 10 and 7 seconds, or even 10 to 4, is going to help you against multiple tanks. If you shoot one the other will shoot at you, MBT’s don’t shoot like rotary cannons.

The thing’s got enough armor to stop every single APFSDS round until 10.7, any lower than that (and even still some tanks at higher BRs) they will have to start aiming for weakspots.

This thing doesn’t need to go for weakspots lol, it’s just another “shoot center mass and win” tank.

It’s got a better power to weight ratio than all but one of the tanks in the T-72 line, it only loses to the T-72B3. All of the rest of them have lower than the Obj 292’s 23.81 hp/ton.

It’s got the exact same amount of gun handling as the T-90A (which is 10.7).

It has a better pen/second round than any of the 10.0 T-72’s or the 10.3 T-80B.

It has similar levels of survivability and size of weakspots as the T-90A, I’ve literally checked this in the protection analysis.

My dude that is a rare example of an MBT approaching light tank status, are you just arguing that all MBT’s are useless compared to light tanks lol?

It’s got the highest pen/second ratio I’ve ever seen on an MBT, the thing does exceptional levels of damage.

What could it snipe with 400mm of pen at 500m? At that point you’re having to get lucky with weakspots in which any light tank could do the job quicker.

I mean your whole argument is that if it’s slow it’s bad, while ignoring the outrageous amount of armor and pen at its BR, in addition to how similarly and/or favorably its gun handling and mobility is with tanks at 10.7.

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PoV: you have no idea what you’re talking about


120 12 C1 is the LKE II prototype (i.e DM53), in fact when the text is coloured blue it means the test was against a KE projectile;


Quite an L (as expected from you).

We’re talking about the round capability against 4S22.

Are you sure we’re playing the same game? There’s no difference between M829A1 & A2 against K-5.

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They refuse thing that this is just drawback you have to deal with as like with injured loader or tanks that have similar reload. 2.9 sec more doesn’t really do much, you shoot you go back into position, with additional 2.9sec you can just pick another target or ca down. If you have 10sec reload and go shot for shot with M1A1 you are just bad, that’s all. But your first shot is enough for many tank to cripple them to the state they can only J out

As I think. “They can lolpen me without even aiming, just shoot my biggest plate but when It comes to opposite I need to aim with every shot to same weakspots that are trolly depending on dart you using”

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