O-I Thread

New month new petition for Gaijin to add the O-I, the vehicle got passed on last time so now is time for pressure, give us Japanese heavies that or return the japanese Tiger back on sale and fix its model, as its not supposed to have hull launchers, but as always, post all your O-I desires here and lets get this trending.


If we get a paper tank added, there will be an unbalance in the force!


I didn’t know this was the World Of Tanks forum. My mistake.


Isnt it not paper?
I could swear they made a prototype.


You don’t have to pay attention to the “paperiness” thing; unfortunately, quite a lot of people don’t value their reputation, not embarrassed to tell a lie that will be refuted by 5 minutes of searching on Google.

There was already an official answer many years ago, it was that they allegedly lacked some technical details, which I would venture to suggest is an excuse. I can assume that it’s all about legal rights. Currently, the legal rights to O-I have been purchased by the company “Fine Molds”, which produces models. We know that WoT paid a fairly large sum for the rights to O-I, and it is possible that either one of the terms of the contract was not to transfer the rights to other games that compete with WoT, or Gaijin are not ready to pay a comparable amount for the rights to O-I. Therefore, I would not particularly expect the tank to be implemented.


Oh damn…
Thats depressing.

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They did make something, I believe a piece of track link survives today. That alone is grounds enough to be added, since a specific part of the vehicle intended for the vehicle in question was created. But yes its largely paper, as if there was a prototype it and any record of it was destroyed.

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Its a real tank and we have testimonies from its engineers as well along with a track link and records kept by Fine Molds


The O-I was a real vehicle, this is the same country that made the Yamato, a slightly bigger box Tiger isnt an issue


It should have smoke canisters & a top MG mount. Whoever was talking about the JPN Tiger.
For O-I Real vehicle, but difficult to confirm which one was the correct design.

I’m surprised the O-I isn’t in this game. I assumed that it was because it’d cause some infringement on a similar game, which I won’t name but will assume everybody here knows of. Oh, wait; @SneedSellsFeed already said it. 🤭

It sounds like suggestions are frequently tossed at the devs in the forums here. For all I care, I think it’d be cool if they added the O-I one of these days. Don’t know when, or if, it will happen…though, I hope it’s something that can be earned and not bought with GE’s; I think I’ve spent enough money on this game already.

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The evidence is clear enough for its existence. Much clearer than for example the Ostwind II or the F-16J. Thus I hope Gaijin considers it, would make for a nice “Dreams come true” vehicle.


It’s due to a so-called “Lack of information” according to an individual or individuals which I won’t name. Despite there being enough information to prove it, honestly, I think the reality is, that the only reason it isn’t added is that it’s pretty big, 2 it’s slow and 3 it’s well-armed and armored. So its stuck in the Maus situation.


Just to be clear developers said that not “some individuals”

It’s a shame they won’t add it, because it is very much real. We have notes from the engineers and driver on its test run (and the damage it sustained due to its weight).


Right, perhaps they meant certain devs specifically (though I doubt Smin would be one of those, considering he doesn’t make those decisions, just tells us what devs say). I wouldn’t know who they would mean though.

But the O-I does seem to be treated very unfairly when compared to other vehicles with not only less information, but also less necessity.

We know for a fact O-I existed, which is generally enough to be allowed in the game. As for lacking pictures, please show me the Ostwind II pictures, or the Zerstörer 45 pictures. Both of those have overall less Information available for accurate implementation than O-I.

I still strongly believe this is a licensing issue with FineMolds, and Gaijin simply don’t want to say “we don’t want to spend that money on the O-I”, so they make up excuses.

l m a o

Its unfortunately not, actually. It either has the Type 92 105mm, with about ~140mm of pen at best, or a 15cm howitzer with a ~285m/s velocity.

You mean the Flakpanzer IV (3.7 cm Flak 43) ‘Möbelwagen’ (Sd. Kfz.163/3) aka the vehicle in the game cause Gaijin couldn’t have been bothered to do a basic google search, thank goodness for Localization mods that correct this mistake.