I was wondering, is there a way to tell if an enemy ship is AI or a player? I ask this because players are worth more RP than AI. If given the choice, I’d rather take out the player for obvious reasons.
At far distances (looking at you Blue Water!) you can’t see the names of your opponent past a certain distance. I know that I can target them and then press T-1 or 7. This will put it in chat though and I don’t want to spam my team.
Is there any other way to “see” who/what they are? Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I look forward to any/all answers. o7
In RB you shouldn’t be able to see enemy names at all . . . what I have always thought. That’s the major difference between AB & RB in naval . . . enemy name tags. Most of the other stuff is fairly close to the same. The difference between AB & RB in naval is slight compared to planes and tanks . . . imho
As for Ai vs player controlled, I just kind of go by “behavior”, even tho some Ai have some movements and do things that look almost human. Many things are limited by game mechanics anyway, so sometimes . . hard to tell.
But other than that, I have no idea really, leaderboard doesn’t help any, so . . . .
just shoot the red stuff is what I do
Just do T1-T7 and dont press T7, you will see the name of the enemy player or bot in the radial menu, just press T again instead of T7 to close the radial menu without sending a radio comm in the chat
You’re right, and I’m old. :P
Don’t know why I even said that… let alone what I had for breakfast this morning. Wait, did I have breakfast this morning?
That’s it! I give up… time to take my Geritol and go to bed.