The M1 needed it even back at 10.3 - Not adding it now is the equivalent of beating a dead horse - Which is the M1.
Gaijin chose to up-BR the Abrams and others but did nothing to fix their glaring issues. It’s downright insulting. Between that and how they murdered the US ground line-up there’s zero point to playing it.
No, they simply moved the compression a little farther up and destroyed almost every nation’s line-ups from 10.0 up, bar Russia. Coincidence, I think not.
It is nice that you put all the effort into testing them, but I really do want to emphasize that excluding certain vehicles (like the Vickers Mk.7) - albeit to no fault of your own since you haven’t spaded it, can depict certain vehicles as outright better than everything else at a vehicle’s own BR.
A measly .3 is basically the same as 0. It doesn’t impress me when what needed to happen is for ground BR to spread to 13.0-13.7 for actual decompression efforts.
There’s no claims that any of the vehicles represented in the chart are somehow superior to those not represented.
If people misinterpret or draw false conclusions from the data, that’s their problem and I can’t prevent that.
I guess you’re right.
Though it doesn’t help that certain vehicles are not on the chart.
From what I interpret from the spreadsheet, the M1 abrams is not that much different to the Leopard 2A4, at least in terms of mobility. The Abrams is better in certain aspects, but worse in others. Though, almost all the NATO MBTs are better, in terms of mobility, than USSR / Chinese MBTs.
M735 is an absolutely useless round for the BR of 9.3, in a downtier it’s alright since you are fighting things you can pen with some pretty generous leeway but anything it’s own BR and higher with an ouce of armour needs relatively precise aiming just to disable, that brings me onto the second point, the spalling of M735 is downright negligible and should never of been allowed to have such a poor value for so long.
The addition of DM23 was not a generous decision from gaijin, it was a necessary one, most or all of it’s contemparies have the superior DM33 or equivalent, with some (m1128) having an 11.3 round in m900, so no, it’s not reasonable to just hand out rounds when the current M774 is already good at the BR and doesn’t need a bump to M883
M774 is an absolutely useless round for the BR of 10.7, in a downtier it’s alright since you are fighting things you can pen with some leeway but anything it’s own BR and higher with an ouce of armour needs relatively precise aiming just to disable, that brings me onto the second point, the spalling of M774 is downright mediocre.
The addition of M833 would not be a generous decision, it would be a necessary one, most or all of it’s contemparies have the superior 120mm DM23, 3BM42, 105mm DM63, L26, with some (Object 292) having a 12.0 round in ‘152mm APFSDS’.
Spalling is somewhat proportional to the round’s mass.
M774 is 3.4kg, whereas M735 is 3.72kg.
M833 would help out, as it has slightly more pen, and weighs more.
As you said. Downtiers 774 is usable. Even at even tier it is passable-ish, but it inhabits the same BR as you mentioned.
And then there’s the fact that other posters who have lauded the IPM1 as one of the strongest contestants in its BR are ignoring that the tank uses the same 833 105mm round as a 1st-level APFSDS upgrade.
So what’s to stop it from being included as a fourth-tier upgrade for the M1?
To my knowledge, nothing except the arguments presented by similar forumites who declare it to “be best tank” and “high skill ceiling” compared to “low skill floor” T-series tanks with easily 50mm more penetration power, plus ERA liberally applied across the boards.
I’m in a similar mindset. It’s rather telling that the person others laud as their example of “how good M1 is” isn’t even playing the game regularly these days.
If they can achieve the same results as them, then I would be persuaded to believe them.
So in lieu of actual playing, we got ourselves a bunch of naysayers who won’t play, but will claim they have in the last few days played enough to say the M1 is “just fine”.