Now With the M1 being Brought to 10.7, Can We Finally Receive M833?

So your only complaint is that you can’t club 9.3s anymore? While neither can any of the 10.3s that got moved up. If this has any change in the future on performance adjustments will be made by gaijin accordingly and not before.


Well, if the M1 is having a hard time dealing with enemy armour at 1.0 BR lower than it is, I believe it’s going to be worse in a full uptier or even at its own BR.

And why wait for Gaijin to do something?
Why are you here in this forum - just to make fun of ‘American mains’?

I believe most people come here to have proper discussions, debate (somewhat) respectfully, and then try to get some actions put in place. Am I wrong in thinking this way?

Well, if the M1 is having a hard time dealing with enemy armour at 1.0 BR lower than it is

According to you.

I believe it’s going to be worse in a full uptier or even at its own BR.

Everything the same BR and above moved up, what it sees upwards has not changed. The only change at it’s own BR is it doesn’t get to club 9.3s, like all the other 10.3s that moved to 10.7 for decompression.

And why wait for Gaijin to do something?

Huh? You do realise gaijin are the developers right?

Why are you here in this forum - just to make fun of ‘American mains’?

Persecution complex. I oppose absurd ideas wherever they are posted regardless of what nation it is, including the nation that I mainly play. It just so happens that US mains flood the forums with frequent poor takes.

I believe most people come here to have proper discussions, debate (somewhat) respectfully, and then try to get some actions put in place. Am I wrong in thinking this way?

You can think whatever you want, and make whatever claims you want. Just as I, and those who disagree with and point out why it likely won’t happen and shouldn’t happen are free to do so as well.


As with everything.

Agreed, but simply put - 9.7s are the bare minimum, and the M1 abrams cannot even deal with them as effectively as other 10.7s.

Sure, but players are what feeds them.
Do you know what happened when players mass disliked the game on steam?
There is a reason why they have a bug report system, and have these forums in the first place.
(Feedback is important for any game)


I’m not arguing about that. I 100% agree that you can talk about stuff as much as I can.

You’re saying that this

is futile, as Gaijin is the sole determinant of where War Thunder is heading, and not its benefactors and stakeholders as well.

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Agreed, but simply put - 9.7s are the bare minimum, and the M1 abrams cannot even deal with them as effectively as other 10.7s.

According to you. Only gaijin will have the full stat picture to determine this after time.

Sure, but players are what feeds them.
Do you know what happened when players mass disliked the game on steam?
There is a reason why they have a bug report system, and have these forums in the first place.
(Feedback is important for any game)

The reviewbombing was for something entirely unrelated to vehicle balance. Not related. You asked “why wait for gaijin”, the answer is because you have no choice but to wait until gaijin does or does not do something. You don’t make that call.

Gaijin have received a lot of and continued flak for their very neutral approach of balancing and moving vehicles based only upon what the average performance of the vehicle is in the data they have access to. If the vehicle starts to underperform to the point that gaijin is not happy with it, then it will get moved. If it doesn’t get moved, as it hasn’t for the longest time, then that is your queue to pick up on the hint that they deem it fine where it is, regardless of whatever you personal opinion may be.

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I can understand that.

So do you believe talking about anything (in terms of balance / BR) is basically pointless? (Other than boosting your / other people’s ego)

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So you believe talking about anything is basically pointless?

In a lot of cases it very much is, especially if the talking points are off the mark of reason too. Asking for M833 in itself is not unreasonable, as pointed out by many other than I in this thread.

Asking for it and expecting it to remain at the same BR despite receiving a decent buff is not reasonable as far as myself and the others have pointed out.

But the simple fact is the only determining factor is time and whatever gaijin deems appropriate based on their data. You can ask for M833 and to stay at 10.7, but if gaijin find that it doesn’t need it, they won’t add it regardless of how much “discussion” takes place on it. Same as the BR change argument.

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No, this is called a strawman. You can’t just make stuff up and argue against it.

You used bad logic… again.

You understand people don’t have to be personally invested in something to read it and remark that the person arguing is using logical fallacies and faulty logic to try and prove a point? You get that right?

End of story dude, Jesus. You can reply, but I won’t be. The point was to tell you your logical reasoning is bad.

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I’m not making up anything though. Gaijin balance vehicles based on their average performance in the data they collect. If you wish to deny reality then that is up to you, it won’t change anything.

Jesus Christ dude, you literally have no logical reasoning, or ability to form an argument based on sound logic.

Let’s start, I said I wasn’t gonna respond but you’re just too dense.
Show me where I said any of that.

You presented yet another strawman. Do you understand what a logical fallacy even is?

Throwing out buzzword salad for lack of having an actual argument isn’t a winning strategy you know.

The simple fact is that gaijin balance vehicles based on their average performance using the data they collect. You are welcome to disagree with reality but it won’t change it.

Throwing out buzzwords? You mean basic aspects of a discussion which you seem to lack the logical capacity to stick to?

I have said none of that. You’re running in circles presenting logical fallacy after logical fallacy to pin me to a point I never made, to argue against it. In an effort to “win” an argument I never made, with points I have never agreed or disagreed with.

I’d like you to go find where I have said any of that you’re saying is true or false. Where I disagreed with you or against any of what you’re saying.

I simply said your argument was bad, and it was. Necrons KD being good in a tank is indicative of nothing and is essentially an appeal to authority.

Is a logical fallacy.

Yes you are throwing out buzzword salad. You know what I am saying is right because gaijin frequently cite vehicle performance from their statistics during balance changes including even within the latest balance change notes.

You don’t want to admit this though because you’re a US exclusive player and this concept defeats your proposition that the M1 is underperforming if gaijin is not moving it based on the data they have showing otherwise.

I simply said your argument was bad, and it was. Necrons KD being good in a tank is indicative of nothing and is essentially an appeal to authority.

My argument that the tank is capable because good players are able to do very well in it? Well yes that’s pretty obvious. Or at the very least you would imagine he would perform worse in it relative to his other vehicles if it was so bad. Same with others like motorola or jspene. You would expect they would perform notably worse in vehicles at the same BR compared to the M1 if it was so incapable by comparison?

You can try and reframe this argument as much as you want so you can “win.” You won’t, because I haven’t presented anything for or against the point you keep repeating. But I welcome you to try again, maybe this time it’ll stick.

To repeat, your argument I responded to was bad, end of story.

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The end of the story is that balancing is based on average vehicle performance based on gaijins stats, as I’ve pointed out many times. Whether or not you dislike that fact or not. You should try to avoid letting your US exclusive bias get in the way of rational thinking.

Jesus, you are dense dude. No matter how many times you say it over and over and over again. It’s irrelevant to the point I made.

Originally point: you have bad logic, necrons performance means nothing other than an indicator of his own skill.

Let me repeat, using a few people means NOTHING. Using 1 person means even less. If that’s all it takes to be a representative sample to draw a conclusion from. Then I can choose 1 person or 3 people who are doing bad in a tank and say “see, it’s bad.”

These people aren’t representative of anything other than their own skill. Even statistically speaking, you could disregard these people as statistical outliers when drawing a conclusion. Same with the bottom people.

Now I actually am done because in order to go further I have to teach you statistics, and I can’t even get you to understand the argument at hand or what a logical fallacy is in the first place.

have fun “yelling into the void” towards my direction about an argument we never had to begin with.

You’re the only one yelling into the void here since I entirely debunked your “point” which you simply chose to ignore.

My argument that the tank is capable because good players are able to do very well in it? Well yes that’s pretty obvious. Or at the very least you would imagine he would perform worse in it relative to his other vehicles if it was so bad. Same with others like motorola or jspene. You would expect they would perform notably worse in vehicles at the same BR compared to the M1 if it was so incapable by comparison?

I’ll post it again since you decided to ignore it, maybe this time you will respond.

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From reading this chimpout if anything it appears you’re the dense one, you’re just avoiding casinos arguement because you have no response to it and you’re claiming logical fallicies over and over again even though you yourself are currently perpetuating the fallacy fallacy by doing so.

Wow, shockingly nasty thread. And over a tank getting a miniscule buff? I play every nation around 10.7 and really? It would help a bit but wouldnt scare me any more than I would be now in my soviet 10.7 or whatever other line up. Personally, I would rather just see the turret ring problems fixed, but that is for another thread.

I really see no harm in a round that is on closer to being on par with its contemporaries. M833 shows up at 10.0 on the CCVL and it feels quite good, but not busted or game ending. I mean, its only got about 13mm extra angled pen. Other nations have a decent bit more, plus also being larger 120-125mm guns with heavier projectiles.(More damage)

Im really not seeing the controversy here. And if USA players are as bad and brainless as many like to say (it is sometimes true) then this should not be a problem anyways.


You currently perform better in the M1 than the other 10.7 vehicles in the game which you have. Should you not be asking for the other 10.7s to be made more competitive to bring them up to the same standard from your own anecdotal experience then?

Correction the only 10.7 you perform notably better in currently is the challenger mk3. T-80B and 2A4 are both below.

Challenger Mk3: 1.93
Vickers mk7: 1.56
Leopard 2A4: 1.56
M1 Abrams: 1.52
T-80B: 1.21