Now With the M1 being Brought to 10.7, Can We Finally Receive M833?

Flanking is just too unreliable, yeah sometimes you get lucky and get a few kills but once people know where you are they’re gonna hunt you. And that’s if you sneak around the enemy in the first place without getting seen or moving at the wrong time and getting sniped.

I find it far easier to face people in the head on in a brawl, far too few players know how to efficiently brawl, hold a corner, or have spatial awareness. And if I do run into a good player, I can usually just disengage and find someone else to kill.

And about the PS5, that’s fair lol. I’m just glad I’m not playing on the PS4 anymore.

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Still, you understand where the difference lies there. The M833 would grant the players who don’t have that spatial awareness the opportunity to level the playing field. Yeah, for a guy with your rig, you’ll do even better, but you’re 1 in 100 players, not the average.

Plus, you admit, you’re a brawler, which is what so many of them do in this game, but in top tier, you have to operate off long distances as much as short, and the 774 doesn’t grant them any of that ability. Particularly folks operating off Wifi or small laptops, who need to aim for pixels to get a kill.


If anything, the necessity for M833 at close ranges is diminished because pen matters less when it’s easier to aim for weakspots, and the 5 second reload is far more valuable than more pen. Vehicles like the Type 90 take this to a relative extreme, for their BR. Sub par round but amazing reload.

Overall I’d say the M1 is better at cqc and Leopard 2A4 at range, and with how Gaijin has been implementing new maps the M1 will only get better. Cough cough that one variant of North Holland where half the map is red barrier for no reason cough cough

I can’t agree to that because of what you mentioned before about spatial awareness and also about punching power. It’s first shot disables, and most M1 drivers in any case find themselves losing the fight after the first round cleanly splits their hull in two and takes two crew members.

Yeah, you got a 5-second reload with an Ace crew. Most people don’t GE for Ace unless they got money to burn. Most kids and most new players don’t, or can’t, or don’t want to.

And even if you Expert, a 5.3 second reload drops to 8 seconds the second you lose your loader.

It’s a temporary advantage that’s swiftly thrown away.

PS: The way Gaijin is implementing new maps of North Holland and other COD-style maps isn’t the type of map I want to see more of in top tier.

This part also, I have to disagree, because while the JM33 might be ‘subpar’ to its peers, it’s still as good at spalling as the DM23 and the DM33, which are in the same class as the 3BM42. If it’s good enough, it’s good enough, and a 4 second reload that can’t be diminished because of the loss of a loader is a definitive advantage.

“Because really great players do well with it, shows it’s fine.”
Everyone should stop complaining about their tanks period then, because we can find examples of EVERYONE doing well in every BR with tanks.

That’s not an argument, it’s essentially an appeal to authority. I’d imagine ALL of his tanks have k:d’s like that. It’s indicative of nothing, other than his skill.


Clearly shows how Clickbait players just need crutch after crutch

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Or, the more likely scenario is that I’m just not a biased US main that has a better grasp on the balance of the game than you do. You’re too biased to reason with as others have pointed out. It doesn’t matter though since gaijin don’t really care for your individual biased opinion.

By the way in case you didn’t check your own average stats your K/Ds for 10.7 vehicles are as follows:
292: 1.5
Moderna: 1.23
M1: 1.28
2A4: 1.26
T-80B: 0.87

So frankly by your own gameplay since you like to mention it so much the M1 is your second best vehicle performance at 10.7, greater than the leopard 2A4 which you are saying you need a higher pen shell to match and greater than the T-80B and the Moderna which both have higher penetrating shells.

It would appear the shell is sufficient in your own gameplay too, not that it matters in the grand scheme of things.

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But your kind also doesn’t want to accept that the vehicle is balanced based on the average performance either. So who is it balanced on then? The absolute worst players? Well the fact that it doesn’t move down then when it’s balanced on the worst players shows that it is fine where it is too since it not moving indicates gaijin is satisfied with its performance.

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High sample size = balance, but high sample size =/= balance? You can’t have both. Thunderskill has 4.5-5.0 million users logged last time I checked, and assuming War Thunder has had around 85 million players (15 million more than late 2022), that’s a participation rate of ~5.6%.
What other studies have such high participation rates? Seriously.

You do realise the reason that thunderskill is widely regarded as not reliable because of the way it gathers its samples right? It only accounts for the people who go out of their way to register with the website, which is going to generally be people who care more about their performance. Meanwhile on the other hand gaijins sample size is reliable because they have ALL the data. They are the only ones that have this.

If gaijin have 10,000 battles played in a vehicle for the month then that is all 10,000 games played by that vehicle and no less and the average it spits out in their spreadsheets is going to be as accurate as possible.

"When I was playing USSR I intentionally hodl W and I don’t play sirius hehe but when I play NATO’s I give my best, they took me more effort to do well and oh

And also one last thing bro, sometimes my grandmother also play my account and she play USSR so that explains the low KDR haha bussian rias"


Lmao what is my kind?
This is another logical fallacy.
Try having a coherent discussion without accusations, strawmans and assumptions.
You have no idea of my opinion, I just pointed out your logic is bad.

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Oh yeah I know this excuse is coming, seen it deployed a few times by other US mains.

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You haven’t presented an argument in the first place. Tell us then, how are vehicles balanced? Because gaijin have told us that they balance it based on average vehicle performance on the data that only they have the full picture on.

So enlighten us, please.

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I think you’re grossly underestimating the power of mobility in this game. That thing has mobility of a 7.0 medium tank, which means literally anything will beat you to a spot. Not to mention that you’ll be really vulnerable to aggressive pushers in their go-karts.

You’ll still have the reload advantage over someone that has lost his loader as well.

I don’t have to present an argument to tell you that yours is bad.
I can simply tell you that yours is bad. Which it was where I responded to it. There isn’t really more to discuss as much as you want to try and reframe this and argue.

I could agree or disagree with you, it’s irrelevant to my point.

“If I don’t make an argument I can’t lose.”

Amazing strategy. So you concede that gaijin balance vehicles based on average vehicle performance using their internal statistics, thanks for you non-contribution.


He’s asking (from what I can tell, at least), is just a slightly better round. Not something that is on par or better than the M1’s counterparts.

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As you posted your findings in this forum post, the 2A4 is better in some aspects of mobility, and worse in others. They share the best mobility (if you add the Vickers Mk.7 or PT-16/T14, it may not even be the best).

Survivability is mediocre, considering you can disable the gun and the engine (and one-shot via centre mass shot) quite easily through the turret ring / lower breech.

You don’t need much penetration or spalling to deal a devastating blow to any Abrams, just because of the turret ring. You can never hide this weakspot, unless you are completely hull-down.

2A4s, on the other hand, may only get breeched / one or two crew members if shot in the breech or their right turret cheek.

I wonder why most comp teams for SRB (Squadron Realistic Battles) prefer to use the Object 292, 2A4, PT-16 (etc.) over the M1 Abrams?

Back when the M1 abrams, and all other 10.3 MBTs could face 9.3s (they all have next to no armour, so spalling and reload matters a lot more than which 10.3 MBT has the most penetration), I would’ve agreed with you; however, 9.7s are generally more survivable (Merkava Mk.2D, for instance) or much better armoured than their 9.3 counterparts (T-64A compared to T-64B).
All the mentioned vehicles reload at the same time as their 9.3 counterparts, so the 10.3s (other than the M1) don’t really have any issues dealing with them the same way as they did with the 9.3 versions.