Now is the perfect time to add the AIM-9L-(I) to Italy, UK, and Sweden!

problem would have been long solved if the OP would just have edited this damn thread to include Germany and remove sweden who didnt even use it. As it stands currently this thread is just a problem excluding the main user. But @SushiSlav refuses to edit it for whatever reason even if i said this already multiple times

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I agree with You that there Is no reason why Germany should be excluded and Sweden should be included. Indeed SushiLav should have included Germany in this Thread when It was created.

Best Leopard 1 derivate true, best Tiger hmmm Idk, best Stug IV wtf? best Panzer IV meh, best German IFV where? Which?

eh that ones true, the added tracks on the hull give slightly more protection, specialy for the LFP

yeah no idea about that one

theoreticaly true as well, even if the italian one has a slightly higher br because of the changes

that ones debatable KF41 has spikes and better chances at killing mbts then the Puma does, that being said soon none issue. The Boxer Vilkas currently looks like a great addition and should easily replace both Puma and KF41 as the “best”. That being sais as well sucks that it is event vehicle and knowing gajin they will deny the Puma with spikes exactly because of this addition even longer

These are all rank III in Ita tech tree. Germans get these just as rank II with lower boni and you can’t use it for events / tasks / wagers. Like Italians do it. Its kind of unfair, since they’re the same units, but Ger get them as rank II junk and Italians as full rank III units.

Stug 4 got us confused because it isnt in the game

Besides that the rank 3 argument to use them for events is fair as well i guess

germany still has a rank iii panzer iv j premium, that gets volumetric add-on armor so its arguably better than the italian one since the gun and turret traverse differences are pretty insignificant

And you can respawn in a rank iii vehicle after you used your rank ii, to make the score you made on rank ii eligible for event score, or viceversa, spawn first a rank iii and respawn in a rank ii and the rank ii is eligible for rank iii battlepass missions, an example of the former would be spawn your panzer/stug first and respawn in wirbelwind, bf109, me410 before the match ends, and an example of the latter is spawning first your wirbelwind, either go capture and fight or j out instantly and then respawn in your stug/panzer

Considering this, german stug and panzer iv h are still the best panzer and stug since they get volumetric add-on armor that protects the weakspots(transmission roof on panzer and driver/loader angled roof in stug), not only that, they also get better tracks for improved mobility

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Yeah, but then gaijin would make them the same BR, unless we get massive decompression, I’d rather just another F-104 so we keep it separated, it’s artificial IK, but unless we get 13.7 as top BR, it would just mean 2 12.0 F-104’s, aka pure suffering lol

Bro, I want stug 4, I wouldn’t even have it in my current tree (Italy) but it’s just such a cool tank/TD