Now.. F-15E

Muh Harrier

The AV-8B radar attack is by far the coolest Harrier 2

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Bruh. Yall just make the U.S player base laughable

BR decompression would solve so much of this nonsense

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Amazing skill issue

I know, and then every update gaijin fucks it up by adding a new top tier jet
The highest BR should be 15.7 right now, but it’s not, because everything is compressed, even 8.3-10.3 needs to be decompressed, let alone 11.0-14.0

There are not enough aircraft in the game for that.
Mathematically it peaks at around 15.0.
And yes, 9.3 needs decompressed, which is ~0.7 BRs of compression. 0.7 is far more than you think it is. It’s the difference between Mig-17s facing F-84Gs and Mig-17s no longer facing F-84Gs OR Mig-21SPS.
11.0 isn’t compressed at all right now. 13.0 is compressed and that’s really it. Once 13.0 gets decompressed, the OP 12.3s also move up to where they belong at 12.7 - 13.0.
F-4J/S/FGR2 can finally move to 12.3, so on and so forth.

Its not slightly f15e is much faster
Its not on par with typhoon but thats compression issue

F-15E and C have almost the same top speed.
Their acceleration difference is the difference between F-104S and F-4E.

F-15C/E are on-par with Typhoon.

F15e has much better acceleretion and climb rate

Same with typhoon but also better maneuverability cm and rwr and maybe radar if it get fixed

Which only matters for the first 2 minutes of a match.
After those 2 minutes, F-15E becomes an F-15C that can escape from low speeds slightly better.

Typhoon has the same countermeasures, similar RWR and radar.

Which are very important to get in a good position for the rest of the match

Again not slighly its a big diffrnace

Correct me if im wrong but typhoon has 400 cm
And f15 has 240
Also tyhpoon get maw and in this update it will get auto flare/chaff system

Tyhpoon better in almost every aspect exept high speed energy rotation which u can berly hit in f15c(1600kph)

Which the F-15C does as well if they so choose.

And no, it’s a 1 second difference in acceleration.

And yes, F-15E/C don’t have as much high speed energy retention as Typhoon, which in air RB it’s not a major notation.

As for Typhoon’s CM count, 160 + 64, cause the BOL pod chaff/flare is about half as potent as standard caliber countermeasures currently.

F-15C and E still missing their BOL pods though.


What is this source it hella wrong f15e takes much less to reach 1000kph its around 26 sec
Dude just play the f15e its so diffrent and faster then the f15c
And in energy rotation at high speed both f15s beat the typhoon but its very hard to reach thos speed at f15c when in f15e its very ez

Energy rotation in bvr is very important

F-15C/E have almost identical energy retention at speed, and F-15C can pull harder than the E making it “dodge” easier.
Also that acceleration test was formulated by NATO members. Brakes off to speed.

You dont know how top tier works and it shows

Its almost as if this is War Thunder and not real life

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In f15c until u climb to 10k meters vs ef2k or f15e u rwr allready screaming and u berly at 1400kph maybe 1500kph and at thos speed u quicly become subsonic and lose ur speeds
f15e however reach thos speeds faster and on par with eftk which make it better (1600kph at min and u should have time to make it even to 1700kph)

Idk about nato but in game f15e is much faster
Around 26 sec to mach when f15c needs 30+ sec

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Considering I do well at top BR and have been playing top BR since prior to its introduction in War Thunder due to DCS having the same weapon systems… I’d say I know how top BR works.

Glad you agree with me that War Thunder isn’t real life, which is why I do the tests in War Thunder not real life.

Also I don’t know if you corrected for fuel mass with those graphs.
I used 33 minutes in both aircraft, because that’s the 5 minute mark and fair; War Thunder players aren’t bringing full internal in their F-15Cs but they are more likely to in the heavier F-15E that needs the fuel for the engines and increased mass of the jet itself.

Statshark is a neat tool, and it won’t tell me a full weapons kit.
Manual testing is what I prefer for this cause it allows me to tune the weapons and fuel to what players are likely to use based on feedback.

Doing well ≠ Knowing how to things works at all, it is not that hard considering half the teams have room temperature IQ

Then why would you use NATO´s test?

It allows you to be wrong, congrats!