Norwegian Ground Forces Sub-tree

Making our own tank would be time consuming and expensive, you’d need to design the tank, build it, test it, possibly spend more money on redesigning and making more stuff
Of course you’d also need to spend time and money on the factories making it

Better to just buy a combat proven tank that works for swedish needs and uses existing factories for faster assembly
Kinda why the Strv2000 was never built

Yeah so thats why the argument they are Swedish or Norwegian is out of the question. The distribution of leopard variants is implemented by balance or monetary alone. Norway and Sweden simply isn’t needed and is presenting a fairness problem among tech trees by spamming copy-pasta.

I dont see how its a fairness problem when its done the same way across each nation…

They are tho. They are specific depictions of vehicles.

The Leo 2a4 Norway got from the Netherlands which got theirs from Germany is still a Norwegian vehicle due to the ownership, decisions and history of how a vehicle ended up a certain way.

If it would be a generic Leopard 2A4 there would be some argument that its just a German vehicle slapped into the Swedish tree through a Norwegian sub-tree. But last i checked none of the Leo 2A4 are that outside of the German tree.

And thats my thesis for why Sweden should get a 4th Leopard 2A4 at 10.3 with the addition of the Norwegian one.

The Norwegian Leopard’s has been modified, below are some of the modifications listed

Leopard 1
-Rubber exhaust deflectors developed by FFI
-Norwegian made kinetic exercise ammunition(potential)
-7.62x51mm NM60 Metal jacket + NM62 Metal Jaket Tracer in a mixture

Leopard 1A1NO
-Rubber exhaust deflectors developed by FFI
-7.62x51mm NM60 Metal jacket + NM62 Metal Jaket Tracer in a mixture
-Night vision Pzb 200
-NM128 Simarad laser rangefinder taken from the NM116’s that was taken out of service
-Additional armor on the turret Stabilization of the cannon

Leopard 1A5NO
-Rubber exhaust deflectors developed by FFI
-7.62x51mm NM60 Metal jacket + NM62 Metal Jaket Tracer in a mixture
-Hydraulic traverse and elevatipn replaced by electronics, Norway was the only one using this on the leo
-Night vision Pzb 200
-Additional armor on the turret Stabilization of the cannon
-New nitrogen based fire extinguisher system

Leopard 1A5NO2
-Rubber exhaust deflectors developed by FFI
-7.62x51mm NM60 Metal jacket + NM62 Metal Jaket Tracer in a mixture
-Hydraulic traverse and elevatipn replaced by electronics, Norway was the only one using this on the leo
-Night vision Pzb 200
-Additional armor on the turret Stabilization of the cannon
-New nitrogen based fire extinguisher system

Leopard 2A4NO
-Norwegian Model (NM253) (IM HE-T) Shell
-7.62x51mm NM60 Metal jacket + NM62 Metal Jaket Tracer in a mixture
-Multi Rolle Radio (MRR) - (Multi Role Radio)
-Nitrogen-based fire extinguishing system
-New 76mm Smoke launchers
-New intercom
-Various holders and stowage boxes

Leopard 2A7NO
Tower and chassis cooling systems.
Modular full-coverage protection kit (360° protection against RPG) which has proven effectiveness in combat.
Roof protection with sliding shutters.
Mobile Camouflage System (Visual/IR).
Technical front equipment.
Active Protection System (APS).
Snow/smoke protection system.
Auxiliary power unit: 20 kW electrical power
ABC protection system
Mine protection: Combat-proven anti-mine and IED protection kit

Leopard 2A8NOR
-We do not have certain information about these yet but they are to be the same as the trialed Leopard 2A7NO only with an aps system added

Just to show that the vehicles is bringing something, and are not completely “copy paste” :)

The thing with war thunder is that Balance ≠ Fair in a lot of cases
I’ve mentioned before that Finland was kinda implemented in a crappy way, as Gaijin has skipped pretty much every single unique vehicle that would fit in besides maybe the BT-42 (CT-CV, cool but event)
There’s still so much stuff i’d want to see from finland and a lot of stuff i’d also like to get from Norway

But i’d also want to see a vehicle fall into either the Balance or Fair category

If we look at the 2A4NO, i’d say it doesn’t really fit in for either 2 so no point in adding it but getting the camo from it for the finnish 2A4 would be nice little bonus

Meanwhile if we look at 2A8NO, it wouldn’t be fair to the German TT if it’s a direct copy paste but it would be balanced if we get that modern of MBTs added at some point

But if we look at something like the CV9030N Mk.III, it wouldn’t ruin the balance and don’t really see any reason as to why it would be unfair as similiar options would exist for other countries and could fit in even now

So the question is where do we draw the line exactly?
Cause there is people saying the German TT is pointless not only because of Sweden but because of Italy with the Hungarian vehicles such as the KF41 and 2A7HU

Which i find rather strange as that implies they decide what TT to grind based on 1-4 vehicles and nothing else matters


The people saying germany is useless because italy got a single competitive top tier tank (1st in 2 years) are the same who claim that germany is hated by gaijin because they spent 2 updates without a meta aircraft (they had a top tier plane, but said it was not good enough)


Most of those are bringing modifications from KMW and Rheinmetall and are not anything significantly different from generic versions of 2a7+, 2a7, 2a7V, and 2a8… Like you can stretch definitions, but everyone knows the reality of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland needing and choosing to buy from Germany, and that it just so happens that in War Thunder its completely copy-pasta.

Like if gaijn wants to add more cold war and ww2 developments I’m all for it, but spamming the same modern equipment bought by many countries is just excessive and unfun.
I would rather have a better arado 234 bomber variant than a new modern tank.

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I see alot of copy and paste that i would not like in the techtree, but some of the vehicles could be fun Like the higher tier AA and the Higher tier MBTs. but some of these feel like they dont need too be added.
but its a nice proposal too say the least.

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Afaik the A8 will have updated armor, new powerpack among other things compared to the A7. And ofc trophy APS. Imo the A7NO should be disregarded at this point, as it will never be realized. The trialed A7 was just that, a bog standard A7 straight out of the factory.

No reason to exclude them, one were modified and the other original for the trial

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Were modified? No, it never happened, it was merely proposed based on project requirements. Even the Trophy APS on the K2 that was trialed were just a mock up for looks and weight.

See, these TT suggestions will never get the goodwill from devs or community because people keep reaching for straws and excuses to add stuff.

For the trials there were two of each, one modified and one “original” (one original had a new paint)

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+1 pls hurry up join game