North Korean Flag Decal – Ground Forces

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Today I’m suggesting a relatively recent North Korean decal design, that featured very prominently in the parade in 2020. It was seen on on practically every vehicle shown that year, from the Ch’ŏnma-2 prototypes, the Chuch’e 107, and the M2018 6x6 NLOS ATGM Carrier, to the various MLRS, SAM and ICBM systems.

It also featured widely in the 2022 and 2023 parades, although in the latter (on July 27, not the earlier February one) it was absent on vehicles like the Ch’ŏnma-2. I can only assume it will continue to feature, especially in the upcoming 2025 parade for the 75th Anniversary of the Worker’s Party of Korea.

The decal is a simple design, featuring the North Korean flag diagonally in the centre, flowing to either side in a ribbon sort of way.

  • Close-up from 2020 parade


  • On the Ch’ŏnma-2


  • On the Chuch’e 107

  • On the Chuch’e 107

  • On the Pukguksong-2 / KN-15

  • On the 600mm KN-25

  • On the Zil-135-based MLRS, upgraded KN-09



  • 2020 Parade

  • 2022 Parade

  • 2023 Parade, Feb. 8

No clear video available

  • 2023 Parade, July 27



looks really fancy but I think it would look empty without numbers, hopefully some examples would be made

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Well, if it comes along with North Korea as a proper nation, they could make a set of digits for them, then you could manually make a number. Would be nice to see some pre-made numbers though so you don’t have to take up 3 decal slots, they could pick e.g. the lead Ch’ŏnma-2 prototype (123).

it was discussed somewhere to not just use single digits but to be able to make full numbers because 2 (no prem) and 4 (prem) slots is very limited, but it would lead to stuff like 1337 and other forbidden numbers so yeah, pre-made historical numbers is the best decision gaijin could make

looks cool +1

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