North Holland: A New Location for Ground Battles!

As a tanker who fought in Ar Ramadi against terrorists, I can assure you, the threat level doesn’t change.

Tanks are still the worst enemy you could fight in urban fights. One good ambush position to blockade a road is all you need to cause a huge traffic event that won’t be easy to flank.

Combine that with the number of players who blob and faceplant caps, you’re going to see a lot more chipped teeth.

Now, are infantry the biggest threat? Yes, as we have seen over and over throughout the last few months in another region.

But are infantry coming to War Thunder outside special events? I would hope not, because then you might as well start upping the ticker to an hour of gameplay with both sides being absolutely wiped if an SU-25 or A10 does a run, or God forbid a Paveway makes a visit.

Nevertheless, I grant you, the map seems pretty. I’m personally needing an upgrade to my GPU and stuff after the last update did something to the EAC launcher and kept dumping on me.

Flanders is good for tank tactics, but it requires that people pay attention. (Not ever gonna happen across the board, but there it is all the same.)

If you can make Eastern Europe without the need for towns or cities, and space caps in defilade that would allow for last stands, you’d see more and more folks attempting both short and long flanks.

That is, if they have the patience.

Still, I’m here for the duration, Stona.


That would be Awesome!

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If you think this is lazy, then you think lowly of all game devs.
And you have a lie in your post, you’re not giving them credit for this good map that was built from the ground up.
Flanders size is identical to its release, nothing has changed.

You even say you ban all the good maps…

War games don’t take place in just “war-torn” areas. So this is objectively immersive.
A place that becomes war-torn over the time of a war-game.

Careful what you wish for and I should be careful what a I jokingly suggest. :)


Nah, I’m in favor of Disney April fools!



Same water direction =/= not built from the ground up.
Topography as well as city design itself are entirely different. It’s a canal able to be traversed as well rather than a deep river.
It changes tactics entirely for the new map.

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Finally, a map I’m excited for.

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you can still get into the unbuilt buildings on Spaceport luckily, never knew you could get into the parking garages in sun city though

How do you do that?

well i kinda agree, it would be a fun little gimmick but that should be something additional only when the basic map design process does indeed produce good maps, unlike now where that little side-gimmick is the main focus of a new map and as we both acknowledged, it doesnt add much to the gameplay of a tank/vehicle-based combat game.

no, i just think lowly of gaijins map design philosophy because it shows they dont put in a lot of effort.
just because i critize a specific point of the developement process, doesnt mean i look down on a whole profession. but nice try with the gaslight there…

uh what? because our opinions on this “new” map vastly differ from each other, that is somehow a “lie” on my part? do you think your opinion is the only universal truth or what? how full of yourself are you dude, what the heck.

no its not, flanders had a restricted area added to the north-eastern part of the map that wasnt there before, because that specific spot on the flank was “too good” for flanking fire on half of the map, again due to gaijins bad map design philosophy creating these “issues”(it wasnt as big of a deal in the first place).

and i said i would ban this specific map. right now my SINGULAR map ban i get with the prem account goes to Sun City and it has been that map since a few weeks after the release of that mess that is Sun City.
i just listed a few other maps i highly dislike and which i think are really badly designed, that i would rather play on then on “holland”.

you clearly need to work on your reading comprehension or you are trying to put words into my mouth i never said, just so you can support your own point in the discussion, which is a cheap and low tactic in discussions to silence the other persons opinion.
again, nice try alvis, doesnt work though.


they are not.
street/building layout is very similar for a large part of the map, heck even the bridges are in very similar positions for the most part.

a few changes dont change the fact that the basic layout is majorily the same to “eastern europe”

I played the map on dev server. The only similarity is the water route. Everything else changed.

like dude, they literally say it in the main post.
i quoted it for a reason, there are more in my post than the images.

they literally say that they used the map Easter Europe to create this new one.


What BR’s will this be available to?

theres large openings at places and you can drive up some slopes, not really cut for MBTs, though i did get a sturmtiger through it once so theres that

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id hope 3.7+, shooting driving through the walls would be massive skill imbalance for newer players who barely know how to turn their turret


This map is a fancy redesigned eastern europe + added elements from sweden and flanders.
just for fun:

If you ask me i would put more effort into this new design. The current concept rework with :

  • firstly: remove every hills and create the landscape as smooth and create a lowland.
  • Secondly: remove all bridge
  • and lastly: replace the river with Hightway.

This will create more opportunities and new map, than this copy paste map concept.

Based on dev servers and videos this map in current concept not provide much more than the eastern europe , but if something changed (the mentioned part) it will provide for us more walkable ways and different concept. That was how i see it. What do you think?


I think you haven’t played the new map.