No More Flanking?

No more flanking on maps?
Why are you limiting the possibility of flanking on the maps?
You’re closing gaps on hills and scaling down maps, on many maps it’s becoming almost impossible outflank the other team, one only has to go straight towards the enemy.
and most of the maps are changed without notifying the changes you made.
I don’t think is a good idea.
sorry for my poor English…


Your English is just fine.


The most recent changes to Maginot are the worst for this, and to a lesser extent Golden Quarry. The entire flank on east side of the map was removed on Maginot Line. Golder Quarry has the most arbitrary map borders I have seen that force you into head-on combat.

It’s just so arbitrary and annoying.

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Difficult to flank anyways when I can hear your engine loud as day from 250m away through mountains, buildings and literally anything.


The Abrams is loud as shit irl but in game it always makes me laugh how you can hear tanks even though your crew is slapped into a giant metal death box.

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Not as bad as planes being able to spot you using your engine sound from 250m in the air whilst they’re strapped to an engine and traveling with 600km/h to the air, but they can still hear your engine and find out where you are, it’s laughable.

I’m sure you could hear a tank from a pretty far distance away if you’re just standing in an open field, but sitting in a car would reduce that significantly already, and yeah in a tank you wouldn’t hear anything.

I’m fine with hearing engines from short distances just for gameplay purposes, but now you can hear them 250m away even if they’re behind mountains.


Yeah it freaks me out.

The problem with the sound is in ARB if you have other planes engine noise turned up it BLOWS your ears out.

So when I go to ground RB i have to turn it back up, because why have different sound options for different gamemodes.

Also fun fact if you lose your canopy you can hear better in aircraft.

I agree. However, there appears to be a sizavle part of the playerbase that wants CoD tanks where they can just rush into a cqc type of environment and not have to worry about bullet drop or people flanking around the whole map.


I played it today and didn’t notice this even though I went down the eastern border. Come to think of it, I did get the warning not much further east of the capture point.

To be fair the Maginot line one that edge of the map is basically an auto win for the south spawn if they know to actually push it, you get into the corner and straight into cross mapping and spawncamping the north team to the point they physically cant contest B or C without giving you easy side shots for days, and its incredibly difficult to dig someone out of that position from the ground.

So that one I at least understand. Pretty much every other map though? Yeah, bad idea.


average asian:

  1. writes perfect english relaying his message perfectly
  2. types “sorry for my english”

I’m not asian.
I’m Italian…


Essere gentile sembra roba di un altra epoca. Adesso sei asiatico :)

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I play flanking even when I’m on the north side, and it perfectly works, even when there are people already in the corner, because I know there can be someone who flanks like I do.
and there is another game mode where the map is shrinked and you miss east and west paths for flanking.
and it’s not only an issue on this map, it’s on Jungle and El Alamein too.
worried about campers??
camping is part of the game, so learn to live with it, there will ALWAYS be someone camping somewhere, it’s not a reason to transform maps in head-on arenas.
I wonder what they think they’re doing to this game…

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era solo un disclaimer nei confronti dei soliti “grammar nazi” che popolano i forum…


no offense, it was a compliment


I know it was no offense ;-)


Flanking as a concept is fine. Flanking as permitted by many of these maps, is not. What’s the pupose of the southern field in the city based version Normandy, for instance? You can flank down there as far as the barn, but you cannot actually fire into any of the caps from there. The entire purpose for someone to use that flank is to show up behind enemy lines and pick people off coming from spawn. That’s it. That’s the most impactful someone can be from that position.

This is not the only instance. I’ve seen ridiculous spawncamping positions enabled entirely by overly generous flanks like this. Did you know that the northwestern corner of large Magninot offers perfect hulldown cover onto the spawnpoint without being spotted on the map, and renders that entire spawn a death trap? I didn’t, until a couple games ago, when someone took the time to push the hard western flank (Not even stopping to cap the point), just to set up in that position and start ganking people. Meanwhile, the northeastern corner already had a very similar issue, until that was patched out.

Flanking is all well and good, and should be encouraged as a way to keep games dynamic. But it shouldn’t be a free ticket into spawncamping whenever players wish for it.

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flanking IS EXACTLY what you say, and the beauty of RB.
if you can’t manage such issues, why playing realistic battles?
go arcade.
there you can see almost every single player on the map, thus avoiding such problems.
I stopped playing arcade just because of that, and I feel fine with flanking that way, even when the other team does the same thing, because I’m prepared and can deal with them.

Your English is good, it’s the maps that are bad.