Night battles matchmaking

Night battles are back but are you hardly will get into one. With such low chance and br capping (10.0+) its almost impossible to get into 1 or 2 in day. I suggest that gaijin put a marker of searching day time, night time or both on Hangar. Second i think br capping should change in some way, maybe a lower BR or even removing it. If you read until here pls like the post so other people can get into it. THX

  • Matchmaking should be either those 3 choices ( day, night or both)
  • No, it shouldnt
0 voters
  • No BR cap
  • Other BR cap
  • Dont change that parameter (10.0+ only)
0 voters
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The br cap is just stupid


making it day/night/both runs the risk of spreading the queues to thin (but a very minor risk).
it should however be a larger chance to get night than it is now.

BR cap is good to have but not at 10.0.
BR cap should be where tanks starts getting nightvision.

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the “both” choice is to reduce the spreading queues, so people woulndt have to choose between day or night

the “both” option is already what is in game though. so to add a night only spreads it thinner than it is now.

I’d support more night battles, the match is more calm and less chaotic than day battle that everyone have a eagle eye.

And that’s why I like to play SB most of the time if the vehicle rotation wasn’t too bad.


Remove the 10.0+ BR cap, it’s asinine in design given that tanks as low as rank III have access to NVDs

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The current BR cap does not make any sense at all… What is the purpose of having NVD-equipped vehicles below 10.0 now? (Who knows, maybe this was done to be able to skip implementing NVD for upcoming sub-10.0 vehicles that had it in real life and thus save some time.)

Why restrict the majority of the people who want to play in night battles, who are not yet at 10.0? Especially if the option to even play in night battles is optional already! All it does is make them more rare and less enjoyable. Not to mention they happen to be at a BR where NVD and TVD is advanced enough to make it almost like daytime nonetheless…and the illumination flares do not help either…


Yeah, like basically you could remove the NVD Mod from all the lower vehicles.
Actually did it to save repair cost lol

I expect to find less night battles since a huge amount of players have it off.

Being restricted to 21:00-02:00 as well and in the Night Battles you don’t even need the NVD Modification, it is entirely useless and yet so many Tanks still have it (not the Thermals but the basic NVD).