Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

BBT-2. Bangladesh’s second locally made aircraft. It has 6 hard points to carry suspended armaments.

Why is it taken from a mile away

I swear this is a civilian plane that i have seen before. I cant get the name out of my head but i have seen it.

It’s most likely inspired from Aermacchi M-290 TP. Leonardo helped BAC to build this trainer.

Who would let a civilian to enter a airbase? They haven’t officially revealed it.

M113 HVMS for Israel. There are two of them, each with a different autoloader, both can fire 60mm ammunition at 100rds/min. Great light tank for Israel.


Both of them can also receive some upgrade packages:

ARPAM: Laser Warning System and smoke grenade launchers


L-VAS ERA (seen with ARPAM upgrade installed)


Isn’t this the same gun as the one used in Chilean modernized M24?

Technically this could go also to Italy as it was a joined projet. Sadly they never fully finished it as there were some confrotations between them.

IIrC theres Sherman variant with same gun that i think Israel used, it can be added with lower BR than this, and also they can add Sherman variant that was made lower in height by Israeli engineers.

A-4M please

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You are referring to the M-50 HVMS. Israel did not use it but rather made it for Chille. Chile, on the other hand, did not want any of the autoloaders and preferred manual loading. The Chilean crews that operated the M-50 HVMS report an average rate-of-fire of 12 rounds per minute (5sec reload, so 1 second better than the AUBL/74 HVG). The M-50 HVMS also had a new 535hp Detroit Diesel 8V-71T diesel engine. IDK if it is stabilized or not tho. I propose a BR 7.3 for it IF low-caliber APFSDS get their proper spalling.
Also, the Israeli HVMS cannon could fire a programmable round that had 3 different modes: HE, SAPHE, and HE-VT. I suggest that if Israel gets either the M113 HVMS or the Chilean M-50 HVMS (maybe as a premium?) they should come with a HE, a SAPHE, and a HE-VT shell, as programmable ammo isn’t implemented ingame the HE shell would need to be put as 3 different shells all with a different fuze.


You are referring to the M-50 Degem Yud, which was a short-lived prototype of the M-50 Degem Bet (standard-production M-50 with 460hp Cummins diesel engine and HVSS suspension) with its hull shortened by 30cm. The cool thing about the M-50 Degem Yud is that the turret itself was pretty much untouched, just lowered by 30cm as the lower drive shaft of the new Cummins engine allowed that. As a result, the -10° max gun depression angle of the M-50 Degem Bet was untouched as well, so the Degen Yud would be a serious menace behind hills, making maximum use of the angled hull.



Thank you a lot and I apologize for my ingorance.

Indeed it is.

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Actually no.
Yes, the development of the 60mm high-velocity cannon was a joint project of IMI and OTO-Malara, but both companies parted ways pretty early in development and took their own ways to continue developing this gun. The Italian version is dubbed “HVG” (High Velocity Gun) while the Israeli version is dubbed “HVMS” (High Velocity Medium Support).

The Israeli autoloaders have nothing to do with Italy, and the Italian autoloaders have nothing to do with Israel, only the gun itself is shared between both countries. The turret and autoloaders of the M113 HVMS are all 100% Israeli technology. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see more 60mm vehicles for Italy (for example, Centauro HITFIST 60), but the M113 HVMS goes only for Israel.

The 60mm hvg is a decent gun.

But the m113 is a truly sad chassis. So i can definetly see this being 8.0-9.0 depending on its sights and first stage ammo count situation.

Itll be slow and unable to climb slopes, but the gun should make up for that.

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The gunner’s sight is a fixed 8x zoom, and the commander has a 2.5x-10x variable zoom. Kinda mediocre, unfortunately. IDK if the gun and sights are stabilized like they are on the AUBL/74 HVG, but it is likely considering this is a late 70s vehicle.

The first stage ammo rack depends on what autoloader version it uses (I suggest implementing the M113 HVMS as two different vehicles, each with a different autoloader):

The more conventionally designed 4x7 autoloader functions very similarly to the Bofors L/70, having a 7-round clip feed into the breach vertically. There are a total of 4 7-round clips in the M113 HVMS, it’s likely there are more shells in the hull.


The unorthodox 2x3 autoloader, on the other hand, is a bit more unique. It has two fixed magazines from each side of the breach, both feeding it simultaneously. As a result, this M113 HVMS has two different ammo racks that can be replenished individually for a faster overall ammo rack replenishment time.


Either way, both autoloaders have a fire rate of 100rds/min (or a faster 3-round burst fire in 15 seconds, 5 seconds per shell), both of them are recoil-actuated so they don’t even need the engine running to work, and according to the M113 HVMS can carry a total of 80 60mm rounds but that is an unreliable source of information so I’d take that last bit with a grain of salt.


Ohhh Okay. Thanks.

Oof yeah a 7 round clip of 60mm ammo would likely take a good second to replace in war thunder. You likely would have 7 fast shots and like a 7 second reload in WT. Unless the autoloader replaces the spent clip automatically.

On VCC-80/60 it takes for some reason 20s to put 1 shell in. This is a already hugely bug reported, but Gaijin dont give a PooPoo about Italy so yeah

This is something I genuinely don’t know about, I have the x-ray view of the autoloader as you saw but I can’t see if it can insert a new clip automatically.