Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

I dont think any other Easter EU countries ever did used T-80 expect Ukriane and Russia. I think all of those nations were on T-72 and their modification and modernized

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The problem is that the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro are NATO. Only a few aren’t.

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Thank you for the clarification! Imo, that makes it even less of an issue

If they could throw in a few vehicles from the non-Nato countries, itd save face, and those little guys get represented. Everyones happy

To keep it little bit on the theme of the post. Czechoslovakian modification of T-72.
T-72 Savan-15. It is T-72M with French Savan-15 fire control system and VS-580. Later was modified even more, creating T-72MP

Also. Fun fact about T-72 Moderna. There was a another “version” of the tank with double 20mm. Both guns platforms (20mm and 30mm) were tested on one tank. So it would be same as the one we have in Russia as event vehicle but this one would have 20mm


That would be the best way to go about it.
I pretty much hate the Russian governments stance on the current situation, but I respect the difficult situation that Escargot is in.
Russia is still a big part of their player base and I don’t want to see them to start getting criminal charges like Wargaming.

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this would be nice get people introduced to missles early instead of top tier, even though you would still have to depend on guns as werent early air to air missles horrible

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The AV Turms doesn’t cut it anymore at top tier

Albeit its a premium. Top tier will continue beyond 12.0. My point is, we really need to stop having premium spam at top tier. I want to play with real players

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I get what you’re saying. But I like the faster grind for top tier vehicles

God 100% this. So much yes

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I saw someone say East Germany had wanted to buy/acquire some SU-27’s and had supposedly put in an order for them or whatever the soviet equivalent was, unfortunately reunification occured before they could be delivered but if Germany doesn’t get a Swiss F-18 to bridge the gap between the Mig-29G and EF then it would be an excellent stop-gap.


R-3S/R’s are too and we have those. Could say the same for AIM-9B’s.
We also have R.511’s and Fireflashes or AA-20Nord’s and the even worse Rb.05A’s which also function as A2A missiles.
I love all mentioned missiles but they are all terrible. Certain AIM-'4’s would go at lower Br’s than 9B’s and being SARH they’d outperform them.

Yeah when it comes to the air tree germany might as well be a minor nation. Were lucky we got east german stuff cause if not wed be even worse off. Which is another reason why i think the swiss tree should go to germany and france.

The US and russia will continue getting more and blatantly OP and game breaking jets while every other nation will be left behind.


Same with t72b iirc

i meant permanently reseachable

.PL-5C for J-7D, at that BR the MF airframe and engine just isn’t enough.

Probably although I’m not sure. I’m pretty sure they expressed their interest after Russian SU-27’s got stationed in East German dispersed bases.

Still it would be down for someone to find proof they were interested and from what i’ve heard, DDR documents were not well-preserved post-unification.

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They were very well preserved but the Soviets made sure to destroy/take everything they could.