“Not a good tank”?! Its by far the best variant, better reload speed, very good turret armor when angling, even capable to bounce the US 76mm gun and Mg 42.
angling yeah its great but you gotta un angle to shoot and get one tapped especially in 3v1s with superior tanks that you have to fight without team support because half your team bought the pack tiger and ostwind
honestly would use a panther D than the F model
Of course you only aim after the enemy shot…
3 v1 negates that your assuming that it will be a fair 1v1 it isnt ever going to be or will because you end up alone carrying the team panther G is my prefered variant
In that case the D-G wont save you either.
no not usally its a massive problem right now its like F4S spam but tigers
Its not the right place to discuss BR.
Speaking of the Panther I wish they added the actual Panther II and not the fictional thing we’ve got in game.
This may sound stupid, but which nation would get it though? As far as I know Germany never completed it as the turret never got built, and the only “complete” one was the US slapping a G turret onto the hull they captured. Perhaps the intended one to Germany and the “complete” one for the US? Or would that be too controversial for the German mains if the US got a panther? It would feel odd if the “complete” one got added to Germany since it was the US which made it even if they captured the hull from Germany.
Germany already has enough stuff, but it’d obviously go into the German tree. You wouldn’t put the Maus in the USSR just because they assembled it, right?
I feel the Maus is a bit different though since Germany built both of them. That the USSR restored one by putting ones turret on the others hull wouldn’t really mean that the USSR built the Maus as a vehicle, whilst the US “built” the Panther 2 with the G turret.
I bring the panther f out only on big maps, its a once in a blue moon occasion but damn is it worth it. range finder with the 75mm is just perfection. Thats why its at 6.0 and not 5.7. Also, all panthers should really be 6.0 as i can do just as well in a d than an a, a could go 6.3 if you really need separation.
It was extremely problematic due to the sheer recoil on an aircraft weighing over 7 times as much as this go-kart. IRL it would likely just flip the vehicle.
I really like the fact that the type 62 is just a mini t54. I’d like to see some of the later versions of the type 62 that were made like the type 62i, type 62g, and type 70
Type 62 was also known as wz131 and a few other variants where made between Bangladesh and China.
IAF Kfir 2000, a Kfir C.2 upgraded to C.10 standards to demonstrate modernization capabilities of the Kfir series. A perfect Kfir C.10 for the Israel air Tech Tree
Sudanese Al Bashir tank
MV-22B Osprey for the US helicopter TT.

Fitted with 7.62mm GAU-17 belly mounted turret and test fired Hydra rockets and APKWS rockets.
Could also be added to Japan
does japan have the GAU-17 and APKWS on it though?
I believe they can use them as they can be taken out or put in depending on the mission requirements. Japan mostly uses theirs for transportation which would require the GAU-17 to be removed but it should still be able to be put back in if it needs to be