Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Ok. Contacted. We’ll see what happens

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Man, I just want the A-4M at this point lol

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Close Combat Vehicle for Japan.
Basically was a prototype SPAA that got cancelled that is a 40mm with a 750rpm that had air shells and APFSDS (40x350mm) that should have dramatically more pen then the CV90s top round.



It could help japan to fill it’s spaa line

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Just listen to the sounds in this video and think a little about the sound that the huge 50-ton armored vehicle you are using should make and go back to the game and fire 1-2 shots. I really wish there were serious improvements in sound to make the vehicles in the game feel more powerful.The camera shaking after the shot would also be perfect.

Camera shake is already in the game, and its on by default (I turned it off).






Modernisation of the RTAF (Royal Thai) F-5s




“1-wait its all breach?! 2-Always has been”


Pr. 56K (late modification)

Instead of 2x SM-20-ZIF it have 4x AK-230 and instead of 2x RBU-2500 it have 2x RBU-6000.

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Maresal M-05


what is that?

it looks like you took a Hetzer, turned ut around and then slammed a Pak40 barrel into it

It is a Romanian TD based on the T-60.
Some historians claim that Hetzer was actually based on the Maresal concept and not the other way around.
There were eight prototypes that were fairly varied and all of them would have a place in the game tbh

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honestly I don’t think you need a base for building a driving trapezoid on an existing chassis

this is literally elementary school simple

True, the validity of those claims are questionable too of course.
Just figured I’d mention it since people say it looks like a Hetzer when the Maresal was made before it :D

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It is less what I want and more what we absolutely need ASAP

Sound rework. The sounds in this game do not work 90% of the time yet they are the single most important aspect. Having a silent enemy is essentially a 100% game over with 0counterplay.

They want us to play in only CQC maps at 100m distance around houses? So be it. BUT THEN THE SOUND HAS TO WORK 110% of the time. It is not hard to get that right as literally every other game since 1999 has managed to get this shit right, even if it took a little time. 11 years is not a little time.

Addition of a Gamma and brightness slider… like why is that shit not in the game

Removal of the damn tree animations

Fixing of all map models in the game so their hitboxes actually match what you see, alternatively removal of Volumetric. Can`t have one without the other

Giving us the option to disable all gamemodes except for the bas eone (Domination)


Adding a vibrancy setting for graphics would be nice as well.

More controlls in postFX would be enough.
Just a gamma and brighness meter in all of them would already help with your problem.
Like “Contrast” has vibrant colours but the darks are just far to dark. So a gamma adjustment would help with that without loosing to much colour.
But yea they already have PostFX yet they added literally 1 option in the first update to it since what? 2015?

Perhaps also fix the maximum amount of flares that can be visible on screen as i have hit that limit and its annoying.

In terms lf quality of life they should probably allow for induvidual plane settings for stuff like targeting distance, bomb fuse etc etc.

Add FSR 2.x.x to increase what they can do with the consoles and alliviate players with older hardware. All the inputs are present because they have implemented DLSS

Also import DLAA or other available open to use Anti-Aliasing solutions. Anti-aliasing is really hard to get right and i see no reason they cant use what is available.

this will be fun in game lol