Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)



T-55 with Relikt ERA

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Sure it Relict and not Kontakt-V?

It is in fact Kontakt-5.

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the hull ERA mislead me

Give the Type 10 models their accurate transmission or at least increase the horse power to compensate for the wrong transmission.

Give the Type 81 its ARH Missiles




Armed Buggys are a universally underutilized phenomenon

chinese biden?


Trophy can now target drones. This will be big when we start getting FPV drones that can be launched by platforms like the Griffin III’s Switchblade or the in-game QN506’s not-yet-implemented S570 Loitering Munitions. This update could be extended to existing Merkava IVM’s or could be an exclusive to the Merkava V ‘Barak’.

The system destroying top attack munitions and a target drone.


Just keep wishing for
M42 duster for BW
Leopard 1A3 for BW
Leopard 2A2/3 for BW
Fuchses and Luches and Fenneks (with H&K GMG)
and many other BW things…

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K2 Black Panther (2024)

  • The K2 Black Panther (2024 version as seen at KADEX) is equipped with the Korean version of Trophy known as KAPS-2. I wasn’t aware it was called that but nonetheless is pretty significant as this is tailored for the ROKA rather than export only. Kind of surprised they don’t have ERA around the launcher housing for KAPS-2. It does have its standard ERA on the turret and side skirts though.
  • I’d like to know some specs of the ERA used on the K2 though, I don’t even know what it’s called.

8 x CM502KG’s Z-10ME(PAK)


Would definitely be a great 9.3

Operation Banquet Light…because why should Russia have the worst plane (Po-2)?

Tiger Moth with 8x 20lb Bombs


An emergency measure in 1940 where in the event of an invasion the planes were to act as beach patrol and army cooperation. There was no attempt to hide the fact these would have been very high risk operations.1500 Light Series Carriers were allocated to flying schools but only one picture exists of a Tiger Moth of No 1 Elementary Flying Training School, Hatfield 1940 with a carrier fitted.

Ps. There were rumours the ‘practice’ bombs employed for the demonstration were in fact live. Good job the drop from plane to catch mat was short on the ground. Basic training flights were given to pilots but seems no bombs were used during those.

Swedish Abrams then?

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When can we mount the flags on our tanks?

Is the PLAAF planning on adopting a variant of these Z-10’s with the RADAR? I’ve only seen export talk so far.