So it’s about making money and not doing what’s right? Doesn’t surprise me.
I’d recommend not talking about political stuff, or else this thread will end up like the UK EFT thread recently
Go virtue signal on reddit, Gaijin is a company that wants to make money and keep the PRC market open
Please stick to the topic. As I have said before this thread isn’t for tech tree discussion.
did it carry any air to air missiles?
Doing what’s right? Its a video game.
Possibly less well known under their real life monikers of:
Stampe et Vertongen SV.4C & Pilatus P-2-05.
Stampe en Vertongen SV.4C is Well known in Belgium at least. :)
Sadly they aren’t armed, being only trainers.
This exactly , ppl act like warthunder is some kind of geopolitics management system that effects real world , it’s a video game
you are not qualified to define what is correct.
and these are just two factions, not two countries. even the US has acknowledged the “one China” treaty.
only the current DPP, under the influence of American politics, wants to separate Taiwan. (joke)It’s not even the ROC government.
take more history classes and speak less nonsense.
excessive copying and pasting of ROC vehicles in the game is indeed not a good idea.
but WW2 vehicles are indispensable.
The M1A2T is a completely unique version of the Abrams specific to Taiwan/ROC. It’s not copy and paste.

We should stick to the topic.
That’s what I said previously, but some people just ignore it.
Why did they extend the Turret Bustle? Does it have any drone or anything like that in there?
Yeah, only so they can continuously buy cheap products from mainland china…
I don’t know honestly. I haven’t seen anything specific on it, could be for additional storage, compartment for indigenous electronics/comms, or a feature like drone capability that hasn’t been announced yet.