Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

I believe Gaijin will tackle the Bomber problem (OP vs Useless) by going back to basics…


R (39)

A hydrogen-filled paper balloon 33 feet (10 m) in diameter, with a payload of four 11-pound (5.0 kg) incendiary devices and one 33-pound (15 kg) high-explosive anti-personnel bomb.


14.0 br. This thing will easily defeat F22


An interesting premium car for Kazakhstan.

i (12)


OMG! … its been found!
Is this legit? Hope its legit …
Any clue regarding its 120mm cousin?

Yep, should get HEAT and HESH … maybe some sub-caliber AP?

Pretty sure Gaijin will make it an event vehicle

Continuation from my previous post, more Azerbaijani vehicle modernizations:

9K33MB Osa-MB

ZSU-23-4 SVM ‘Shilka’


M230 JLTV first

We need trackfire also

People love a good prototype…

XF4U-1, the corsair with the correctly positioned cockpit, 30cal nose guns (+single 50s in the wings), and small bombs in wing bays. It’s what a Corsair should have looked like!

OIP (26)

OIP (25)

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Tu-22M3 please!


does it have internal gun?

Remote control dual 23mm turret if that constitutes.

That is one weird photo angle

As was mentioned - remote controlled GSh-23, just a tail turret



It’s, head on?

my wishlist is for gaijin to gain competence. for them to stop breaking the game every update. and to test things more thorougly on hte test server. their own test server, they have access to. at all times. at any given moment. where they can test stuff. without bothering us on hte live server.

that gaijin may see the flaw of team damage between airplanes. so that air realistic becomes a nicer place. so all those assholes stay out of ground realistic.

that gaijin may hire people who can lead them to a road of more competence. that show them that the volumetric hit system is a bigger mess than american presidential elections, and should be taken out of the game.

A treat for us naval types, a real cutie…

Chuck’s Boat and Drive 19BB (Barrier Boat) - aka ‘Boomin Beaver’

The smallest boat in the US Navy! it is essentially a miniature tug boat.

Length 19ft (nearly twice as long as it is wide!)

Weight - 10,000 kg. (sounds more impressive than 10t)

Crew - 3, applicants must enjoy spooning.

Armour - I think they mean ‘amor’, from the Latin for love.

Armament - big stick and a stern look from the skipper! Upgrades include a megaphone and a splash from its 36inch propulsion nozzle.

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Opel Blitz 3.6 with 2cm Flakvierling.

A very common pair in a very uncommon pairing.

There is a minor drawback before you beg for this combo. The basic Blitz truck wasn’t stable enough to act as a fully mobile gun platform being unable to cope with the vibrations when firing to the side. But as long as you are happy to sit still with the wheels wedged and only relocate when absolutely necessary it would do the job.


Gaijin I beg, Gib F-2A


One of my wishlist items is that China takes the ZTZ99A prototype w/ APS here:

…and makes it into something like the (FAKE) “ZTZ99B” from Armored Warfare here:

…or at least side ERA (on top of the APS) similar to that can be mounted on the VT4 here:



Looking forward to the exhibition at the end of this year where this ZTZ99A w/ APS could be exhibited, and thanks to @阿依土鳖的罗初 for finding this prototype (top image). Curious if it will be the actual “ZTZ99B”. May do a suggestion on it if the vehicle is exhibited at the Zhuhai Air Show 2024 on November 12th.